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Posts posted by timgfxx

  1. Can I see the code that creates the chat and invites the users?

                client.createChatRoom(null, senderID, function(result, chatID) {
                    client.inviteToChat(chatID.getSteamID64(), owner);
                    client.chatMessage(owner, "\nA user needs support: steam://friends/joinchat/" + chatID.getSteamID64());
                    client.chatMessage(senderID, "\nA new chat has been created.\nClick here to join the chat: steam://friends/joinchat/" + chatID.getSteamID64());

    Thats called when the bot receives "support" as a message

  2. There isn't any debug mode that would be terribly useful for this, I'm afraid.

    Another question,

    Why is this called twice? (Line 103 and 105)


     Maybe you have to change this.steamID to steamID, because:

    SteamUser.prototype.leaveChat = function(steamID) {

    Testing it out right now!

  3. This is a bug in the module. How frequently does this happen? Is there a reproducible test case?

    It happens every time. What I did was use a timeout to delay it by 3 seconds, which worked at first, but still often gives this error:




    It doesnt always happen everytime, it does like every 30 minutes.


    Is there a way of fixing this? And what causes this?

  4. I might be doing this wrong. This is my code:

    client.on("chatUserLeft", function(chatID, userID) {
        if (userID.getSteamID64() !== owner) {
            client.chatMessage(userID, "I hope your issue has been resolved! Whenever you have another question feel free to open another chat :)");

    owner = my steamid64.


    The error I'm getting:

    C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-user\components\chat.js:512
                            delete this.chats[sid64].members[target64];
    TypeError: Cannot read property 'members' of undefined
        at SteamUser._handlers.(anonymous function) (C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-user\components\chat.js:512:28)
        at SteamUser._handleMessage (C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-user\components\messages.js:198:29)
        at emitThree (events.js:116:13)
        at CMClient.emit (events.js:194:7)
        at CMClient._netMsgReceived (C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:278:8)
        at CMClient.handlers.(anonymous function) (C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:386:8)
        at CMClient._netMsgReceived (C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:260:24)
        at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
        at TCPConnection.emit (events.js:188:7)
        at TCPConnection._readPacket (C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-client\lib\tcp_connection.js:73:7)
     [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...

    Help is appreciated.

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