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  3. That's expected behavior. Machine auth tokens are only issued when you log on with email 2FA, but steam-user attempts to read it every time you log on. If a request comes in to read a file that doesn't exist, you should return an error, not an empty string.
  4. I've noticed that the library tries to load the machineAuthToken file but it's never found. The file is never provided to the `save` callback and when the lib tries to read it, it's never there - `machineAuthToken.dangercoder.txt File not found in object storage, returning empty string` Should I expect this file to: A ) Be provided in the `save` callback for all login-types? Or is it only for email 2fa? B ) Try to be loaded via the 'read' callback every time I login? Currently B happens but not A.
  5. If you're using a custom storage engine, don't change the value of the dataDirectory option. If you set it to null, the storage property isn't initialized so you get that error attempting to read 'on' of undefined. steam-tradeoffer-manager uses the same storage scheme as steam-user, but they don't share the same instance. You need to register your save and read events on your TradeOfferManager instance the same way you registered them on your SteamUser instance.
  6. Hi, Question I'm using steam-trade-offer manager and Amazon S3 to store the bot files and don't have RW access to the local file system. How can I use a custom file storage and not read/write from disk? My attempts If I set dataDirectory to null (https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user?tab=readme-ov-file#datadirectory) const client = new SteamUser({ dataDirectory: null }); I get this unexpected error - I'm using client.storage.on callbacks to integrate a custom file storage. If I don't set dataDirectory to null, I'm able to login but my node js process crashes since I'm not allowed to mkdir. Best, danger
  7. Code: let csgo = new GlobalOffensive(user); let thisUser = ""; if (user.accountInfo) { thisUser = user.accountInfo.name; } user.on("accountInfo", (username) => { console.log("Logged into Steam as " + username); thisUser = username; }); // short delay for the acount to be logged in before start playing "730" await delay(10); console.log("Try to initiate GC Session"); user.gamesPlayed([]); await delay(10); user.gamesPlayed([730]); await delay(10); csgo.on("connectedToGC", async () => { console.log("Connected to GC!"); }); csgo.on("disconnectedFromGC", (reason) => { if (reason == GlobalOffensive.GCConnectionStatus.GC_GOING_DOWN) { console.log("GC going down"); } else { console.log(reason); } }); it just happened quite recently, maybe just during the last 48 hours. wonder if it was a problem on my side.
  8. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user?tab=readme-ov-file#getproductinfoapps-packages-incltokens-callback
  9. Hello, I'm looking for the way to fetch depot information like manifest etc to create update notification bot. Is there any way in this package?
  10. Hello, I started developing app using globaloffensive game coordinator and would like to add some new events, I'm seeking for some tool that shows messages which coming through game coordinator and its content. I tried using Wireshark but it's very difficult for me, and even with uploaded .proto files it can't decode correctly CSGO messages. So maybe there is some command in csgo console which will show Proto messages, or other way to do this, I'll be happy to hear any options which you use for csgo game coordinator traffic analisis.
  11. If you're dealing with trades that include CS items, you need to enable the useAccessToken option.
  12. I think they are using some tools like VTFEdit, Crowbar or like in this video
  13. hi i have some code that send me log after each trade has been accepted i tested my code and it only send me message only after i accepted a trade that has TF2 items in it i tried with steam and cs2 items but it wont work and i dont know why can you help me? manager.on('sentOfferChanged', (offer, oldState) => { if (offer.state === 3) { // do sth .... } }); manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer, oldState) => { if (offer.state === 3) { // do sth .... } });
  14. Does the offer contain CS items? If so, you'll need to use an access token. You can get one with steam-session.
  15. i am i am willing to make an inspect server its no big issue but the main thing is the image creating i need the exact image like the cs.mony and such ss tools
  16. Hello! The data you get from the endpoint is this: "{ response: {} } " even with correct steam API key and trade offer ID. Is there a new endpoint? How else can I check the status of a trade offer? Help would very much be appreciated.
  17. You can use node-globaloffensive.The most information about skin you can get from inspectItem method, but I am not sure how you can turn this into screenshot. I think there should be a way to make a skin image without running an inspect server.
  18. Thanks any leads on if we can use any of dr.mackays libs to produce an inspect server?
  19. getImageUrl() just gives you a default image of item like this, it wont have stickers and pattern on it.
  20. i want to create a screenshot service just like the buff and cs money one i saw a image related endpoint https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/CEconItem#getimageurl i want to create the front and back side of item through inspect link can this endpoint fullfill my need or do i have to go advanced? of is there any thing present in the libraries that i can use ?
  21. Scenario 1: SteamCommunity of initiated from A's credentials; steamId = A's id64; appId 440: logged out succesfully; Scenario 2: SC of A's credentials, steamId = B's id64; appId 440: failed to log out first item; returned inventory was a blank array; Scenario 3: SC of A's credentials, steamId = B's id64; appId 730: succesfully logged out first item; environment: node.js 20.14.0 dependencies: "steam-user": "^5.0.8", "steamcommunity": "^3.48.2", I think I found the problem, the TF2 inventory I tried to fetch was actually blanked... my bad.
  22. as title said. if the input of appId is 730 it returns the requested inventory perfectly. if the input of appId is 440 it always returns a blank array [] if it was from a different steam user; but return the inventory if the steamId passed in is the same with the initiated community object. wonder if the problem is only limited to tf2
  23. Earlier
  24. Hello, I suppose this forum is the best place to find CSGO/steam devs. Looking for a dev that is capable of creating a CSGO screenshot tool that can screenshot any item from its inspect link. Need front and backside pics. Well paid, add me on discord if you are interested: jadhasrisen
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