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    RamoSterious reacted to Eradicate in Polling on multiple bots?   
    I'm using the following code but the 'newOffer' event is never being called and according to the docs this only works if polling is enabled, which should be.
    What am I doing wrong?

    var steamuser = require('steam-user'); var steamtotp = require('steam-totp'); var trademanager = require('steam-tradeoffer-manager'); var SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'); var data = [ { username:'', password:'', shasec:'/XqviM=', shacon:'++3t4fpJI=' }, { username:'', password:'', shasec:'=', shacon:'+P+kKyvfYk=' } ]; var client = []; var manager = []; var community = []; var initializeClients = function(data) { for (var index in data) { initializeClient(index); }; }; var initializeClient = function(index) { var account = data[index]; community[index] = new SteamCommunity(); client[index] = new steamuser(); manager[index] = new trademanager({ "steam": client[index], "community": community[index], "language": "en" }); console.log('[Account] [', account.username,'] is logging on'); client[index].logOn({ 'accountName': account.username, 'password': account.password, 'twoFactorCode': steamtotp.generateAuthCode(account.shasec) }); client[index].on('loggedOn', function() { console.log('[Account] Success!'); }); client[index].on('webSession', (sessionid, cookies) => { manager[index].setCookies(cookies, function(err){ console.log('API Key retrieved'); }); community[index].setCookies(cookies); community[index].startConfirmationChecker(15000, account.shacon); console.log('webSession ID: ' + sessionid); }); client[index].on('newOffer', function(offer, oldState) { console.log('[Account] [', account.username,'] has a newly received offer!'); }); }; initializeClients(data); Edit: I removed the second setCookies as it was not needed, also added an error check on setCookies but it does not throw any errors.
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