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Posts posted by romatello

  1. var cookies = db_data.cookies.split(","); // cookies in db stored as string
    var steam_community = new SteamCommunity();
    var offer_manager = new TradeOfferManager({
    "community": steam_community

    offer_manager.setCookies(cookies, function(err) {
    if (err) {
    console.log("Got API key: " + offer_manager.apiKey);


  2. I've cookies array like this:


    I get an error "not logged in" when I try to log in trade offer manager through cookies using setCookies method. I take cookies a minute before using setCookies method
    Can someone explain why i get an error?

  3. I've making my bot and I need to check item market hash name within trade offer, but in offer.itemsToGive and offer.itemsToReceive contains only following information:

    EconItem {
        appid: 730,
        contextid: '2',
        assetid: '13984115215',
        classid: '310777179',
        instanceid: '302028390',
        amount: 1,
        missing: false,
        est_usd: '1',
        id: '13984115215',
        fraudwarnings: [],
        descriptions: [],
        owner_descriptions: [],
        actions: [],
        owner_actions: [],
        market_actions: [],
        tags: [],
        tradable: false,
        marketable: false,
        commodity: false,
        market_tradable_restriction: 0,
        market_marketable_restriction: 0 

    So my question is: How to get market_hash_name?

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