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Posts posted by HolidayExplanation

  1. Solution for getting appOwnershipChached apps' name instead of appid.


    I got config.default_apps by using an empty Steam account to get the numerical list of apps each account has by default and on that line I compare that default list to the list of the fetched user account which might have some games and then filter to remove the default apps.

    //get GAME LIST
    client.on('appOwnershipCached', async() => {
        try {
            const appIDs = await client.getOwnedApps() 
            let gameList = appIDs.filter((game) => { // remove default apps from list
                return !config.default_apps.includes(game)
            const appDetails = await client.getProductInfo(gameList, []) 
            let appData = appDetails.apps
            let arr = await Object.keys(appData).map(key => { // convert list to array
                return appData[key]
            let cleanGameList = []
            await arr.forEach(app => { // push only app names into array
                if (app.appinfo.common !== undefined) { // necessary only .common since .common.name gives TypeError
        } catch(err) {

    Well, I've been trying/searching different things for hours now without any sufficient results. I am trying to get the name of the app/game instead of the appid number via appOwnershipCached. I am actually trying to get the games in the users account instead of also apps and default apps that come with a Steam account. I managed to get the names with an npm package called appid, but it takes a while until it converts all of them since it's fetching it from Steam API, so unfortunately it's not an option and I've run out.

    So I have two questions:

    Is there a way to get an apps' name instead of appid?

    Is there a way to get only the games without apps and default apps?


    Edit: I actually managed to filter it to the point until I get only the games in my library. I basically filter default apps from the appOwnershipCached fetch of appIDs and then if the appID has a name, it puts it into the gameList array. But the problem is, some games seem not to have names, why is that?

    For example: Rocket League only has { appid: '252590', public_only: '1' } on .appinfo...


    //get GAME LIST
    client.on('appOwnershipCached', async() => {
        try {
            const appIDs = await client.getOwnedApps() 
            let gameList = appIDs.filter((game) => {
                return !config.default_apps.includes(game)
            accountData.games = await gameList
            // log("my games: " + accountData.games)
            const appDetails = await client.getProductInfo(gameList, [])
            // ROCKET LEAGUE TEST
            const rl = await client.getProductInfo([252590], [])
            let appData = appDetails.apps
            // log(appData)
            let arr = await Object.keys(appData).map(key => {
                return appData[key]
            // log(arr) 
            let cleanGameList = []
            await arr.forEach(app => {
                if (app.appinfo.common.name != null) {
                    // log(app.appinfo.common.name)
                    console.log("list: ", cleanGameList)
                    return cleanGameList.push(app.appinfo.common.name)
        } catch(err) {
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