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Vaas Kahn Grim

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Posts posted by Vaas Kahn Grim

  1. well the first attempt didn't work, so I tried this


    var SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity');
    var community = new SteamCommunity();
    community.postGroupAnnouncement("103582791460315633","Test Annocement","Testing",(err) => {

    However it prints NULL into the console so I know it sent it somewhere and no error was recived but I don't see any post made in the group announcements. So I'm not sure what to do here

  2. So looking through the wiki page you sent before I just want to make sure I have the steamgroup steamid handled right in this


    var SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity');
    var community = new SteamCommunity();
    community.scheduleEvent("103582791460315633","Event Annocement Name String","OtherEvent",`We are starting an event on Server 1! /n/n Hop on immediatly to participate! We will be doing a assault on the enemy. /n/n Be prepared ASAP. /n/n Command. Out.`)
  3. odd, it seems to be giving me an issue where the password is invalid even tho its not

    //Steam Handling
    const SteamUser = require('steam-user');
    const SteamTotp = require('steam-totp');
    const SteamConfig = require('./steamconfig.js');
    const SteamClient = new SteamUser();
    const logInOptions = {
    	accountName: SteamConfig.accountName,
    	password: SteamConfig.password,
    	twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(SteamConfig.sharedSecret)
    SteamClient.on('loggedOn',() =>{
    	console.log('logged on');

    and the config is currently this

    module.exports = {
    	accountName: 'USERNAME_HIDDEN',
    	password: 'PASSWORD_HIDDEN',
    	sharedSecret: ''

    and the error it gives me InvalidPassword. I know that the password and username are correct for sure since I verified it by logging into steam with my second account with the cridentials and it worked just fine then. however with the module on node it just says the password is invalid.

  4. Basically I'm trying to figure out how to use the node module steam-user to create a steambot in order to send announcements to a steamgroup via the vents and to make posts/threads under a steamgroups discussions section.

    So far setting up the code for getting the bot working was easy enough with the tutorial, however I'm currently stuck with the problem of logging in. I've not tested my code yet because I already know its not going to work without propperly setting up a way to use the code steam will end up emailing me.

    basically I just want a quick rundown of how to get this thing running with steamguard on.

    after that I'd just like to know what functions I'd need for steamgroup related stuff since the github page didn't really go over how to make posts,threads and events. it only seemed to go over detecting when they happen to be made by others it seemed.

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