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Everything posted by Barak
Hi Dr.McKay, I know this sub topic is probably not the correct place to ask this, since in this package from what I can tell in the source code you've been using their internal methods with cookies and sessions etc. But I wanted to ask a question about the Steam WebApi that you have wrapped inside the node-steam-webapi package. https://api.steampowered.com/IEconService/CancelTradeOffer/v1?key=key Seems like the above endpoint is throwing 404s. I can see their docs here https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_Web_API/IEconService#Input_4 and it doesnt say anything about it being removed or planned on being removed. The request I'm sending is pretty simple; a POST on https://api.steampowered.com/IEconService/CancelTradeOffer/v1?key=xxx&tradeofferid=xxx with no body. It returns this <html> <head> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head> <body> <h1>Not Found</h1> </body> </html> I can't find anything on the web, so I have to ask here Is anyone else experiencing this issue as well? All the best,
Using steam-passport in conjunction with steam-community
Barak posted a topic in node-steamcommunity
Hey McKay, loving the work that you've done for the steam and JS communities. I've been using your `steamcommunity` package, but I've ran into this weird problem. I want to use the `getSteamUser` method on the community class. My user is logged in via a Passport Steam strategy and that returns an object after the user logs in that looks like this: this is my account. Right, so I deserialize this data in a session and work with the `steamid` property since that is the only one I need to perform actions etc. But, when trying to use `getSteamUser` with this steamId it throws `Cannot find user`. I realize that it wants a steamID object or a URL as specified here id - Either a SteamID object or a user's URL (the part after /id/)\ but even when calling by my URL which in the above case it's `psychoqt` manually I get this back: Now as you can see the steamID object is filled with universe type etc, but the accountID is different. It is not the steam ID. Even if I compose this object myself, I would be missing the accountid from the previous payload. The only solution I can see here is to parse `profileurl` and take everything right from `/id/` but it seems kinda hacky and inconsistent. Is there any other way I could go around this? Thanks,, Filip -
Thanks for the prompt response. I'm making the withdraw request from a website. When a user clicks on an item it withdraws it from the bot's inventory, which should mean the steam user is logged on. Here's a log: {"message":"Logged into steam as **********","level":"info"} {"message":"Currently 0,09€ Steam Wallet credit. ","level":"info"} {"message":"Is limited: false. Is cBanned false.\n Can Invite Friends: true, Is Locked: false","level":"info"} {"message":"Client Connected as WEBSITE_USER.","level":"debug"} {"message":"User WEBSITE_USER has a wallet of 45 eur","level":"info"} {"message":"Session Initialized.","level":"debug"} {"message":"Cookies, sessionid=5***,steamLogin=7****,steamLoginSecure=7****","level":"debug"} {"message":"Trade cookies set. API KEY: 5*****","level":"info"} {"message":"Updating Inventory collection...","level":"debug"} {"message":"Length of __BOT__ items: 439","level":"debug"} {"message":"Updated Inventory for Bot with id: 7****","level":"info"} WEBSITE_USER wants to withdraw assetid {"message":"TradeOffer: 3811117774 true","level":"debug"} Error: Must be logged in before trying to do anything with confirmations The withdraw happened a while (30sec?) after I started the server. This is how I set the cookies: this.client.on('webSession', (sessionid: any, cookies: any) => { logger.debug('Session Initialized.'); logger.debug(`Cookies, ${cookies}`); this.manager.setCookies(cookies, (err: any) => { /* Cannot set cookies on, as it is still limited account */ if (err) { logger.error(`Unable to set trade cookies: ${err}`); return; // process.exit(1); } logger.info(`Trade cookies set. API KEY: ${this.manager.apiKey}`); /* Gets all of the Bot's inventory and stores it into inventory Collection Momentarily only for the Bot's Dota 2 inventory. */ this.fillInventoryOnInit(); /* Accepts all friend requests. Logs unfriends. */ this.initFriendRequestListener(); /* Listens to a chat message from a user. Currently supports only !help */ this.onFriendMessageListener(); /* Accepts all pending requests and logs all messages that occured while bot was offline */ this.checkFriendsAndMessagesWhileOffline(); /* Logs all new offers, and accepts only if its a donation or the trader is the admin*/ this.initNewOfferListener(); }); this.community.setCookies(cookies); this.community.startConfirmationChecker(10000, process.env.STEAM_IDENTITY_SECRET); }); and this is the withdraw implementation public sendWithdrawTrade(partner: any, credits: any, assetid: any, gameid: any, cb: Function) { console.log(assetid, gameid); const offer = this.manager.createOffer(partner); this.manager.getInventoryContents(gameid, RequestConfig.contextid.GAMES, true, (err: any, inv: any) => { if (err) { return logger.error(`Failed while fetching inventory with ${err}`); } const foundItem = inv.find((item: any) => item.assetid === assetid); if (foundItem) { offer.addMyItem(foundItem); offer.setMessage('Withdraw item.'); offer.send((offerError: any, status: any) => { cb(offerError, (status === 'sent' || status === 'pending'), offer.id, foundItem); }); } else { return cb(new Error('Could not find item'), false); } }); } Maybe it has something to do with the web request not sending the cookies through the socket, but I doubt it... This also fires (as it appears in the log above): /* Fires if succesfully logged in */ this.client.on('loggedOn', () => { logger.info(`Logged into steam as ${this.client.steamID}`); // Sets the Bot status to 'Looking To Trade' this.client.setPersona(EPersonaState.LookingToTrade); // game.id(570) = Dota 2; // Can set only free games. Or paid games that Bot Owns. this.client.gamesPlayed(RequestConfig.appid.DOTA2); }); Sorry for the long reply, don't really know where to go from here. One thing to mention is that the offers are stuck on `Waiting Mobile Confirmation` or something when I check them manually through Steam. Thanks!
Hi McKay, great fan of your work. I've recently encountered a problem which I do not know how to solve (maybe I'm not informed well enough on how Steam works). Here's the full stack of the problem: Error: Must be logged in before trying to do anything with confirmations at request (/home/f/code/f/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/confirmations.js:247:9) at SteamCommunity.getConfirmations (/home/f/code/f/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/confirmations.js:17:2) at doConfirmation (/home/f/code/f/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/confirmations.js:182:8) at /home/f/code/f/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/confirmations.js:170:4 I am logged in for sure, as I'm trying to trade from the web site I am creating. This is more or less the code for withdraw: socket.on('withdraw', (data: ItemData) => { console.log(`${userObject.personaname} wants to withdraw ${data.assetid}`); bot.sendWithdrawTrade(userObject.steamid, userObject.wallet, data.assetid, data.appid, (err: any, status: any, tradeOffer: TradeOffer, foundItem: Item) => { if (err && !status) { logger.error(`Error getting withdraw trade from ${userObject.personaname} because ${err}`); socket.emit('withdraw', { error: err, }); } else { if (status) { community.acceptConfirmationForObject(process.env.STEAM_IDENTITY_SECRET, tradeOffer.id, (offerError: any) => { if (err) { logger.error(`Error Accepting ${offerError}`); } else { // Update inventory for given item. } }); } else if (status === 'success') { // Update inventory } logger.debug(`TradeOffer: ${tradeOffer} ${status}`); socket.emit('withdraw', { tradeOffer }); } }); }); I'm not really sure what's going on here. I am very much logged in like so: const loginOptions = { accountName: process.env.STEAM_USER_NAME, password: process.env.STEAM_USER_PASSWORD, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(process.env.STEAM_SHARED_SECRET) }; and the logged in functionalities have never been a problem until now. Thanks for any help and sorry for taking your time. Barak