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Posts posted by Harry

  1. Ah I see, I think it makes sense for that very specific product that the proxy provider offers. Thanks for the warning, I will look into their alternative solutions.

    Is there any provider that you would personally recommend or maybe some that has been commonly used by others for Steam?

    Thank you for the answer - it clarified the issue for me and I have now some concrete things to try & test. Appreciate it!

  2. Hey!

    I'm trying to make some requests with httpProxy, but I'm facing issues already with the initial connection.

    This is my code:

    import SteamUser from 'steam-user';
    const client = new SteamUser({
      httpProxy: 'http://USER:[email protected]:60000',
      // webCompatibilityMode: true,
    client.on('debug', (msg) => console.log(msg));
    client.logOn({ anonymous: true });
    client.on('loggedOn', async function (details) {
      console.log('Logged into Steam as ' + client.steamID.getSteam3RenderedID());
      console.log('with public ip: ' + client.publicIP);

    I'm using Node v16.20.2 and compared an older version of steam-user (4.19.4) and newer version (5.0.4) with a same/similar result.

    4.19.4 debug log:

    [T1] Connecting to TCP CM:

    and stays stuck here.

    4.19.4 debug log with webCompatibilityMode: true:

    Forcing protocol to EConnectionProtocol.WebSocket because webCompatibilityMode is enabled
    [W1] Randomly chose WebSocket CM ext3-sto2.steamserver.net:27024
    [W1] WebSocket disconnected with error: unable to get local issuer certificate
    [W1] Handling connection close

    and keeps repeating a similar message over and over again.


    5.0.4 debug log:

    GetCMListForConnect error: unable to get local issuer certificate
    Emitted 'error' event on SteamUser instance at:
        at SteamUser._doConnection (/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/steam-user/components/09-logon.js:299:10)
        at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) {
      proxyConnecting: false

    Repeats the first line few times and then throws the error.

    5.0.4 debug log with webCompatibilityMode: true:

    Forcing protocol to EConnectionProtocol.WebSocket because webCompatibilityMode is enabled
    GetCMListForConnect error: unable to get local issuer certificate
    Emitted 'error' event on SteamUser instance at:
        at SteamUser._doConnection (/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/steam-user/components/09-logon.js:299:10)
        at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) {
      proxyConnecting: false

    Repeats the first 2 lines few times and then throws the error.


    I'd happily provide any more details if necessary. I would really appreciate any directions or insight into what might cause the issue.

  3. Thank you! Seems so... Do You know if it is possible to get the follower count somehow?

    Searching from the list of messages, I found AMGetClanMembers, but I haven't been able to try it yet, because it isn't as simple to add it as the follower count.

    For ClientFSGetFollowerCount I found CMsgFSGetFollowerCount, but for AMGetClanMembers I can't find the counterpart - maybe You can give me an advice on this sort of situation as well or point me to the right direction?

  4. Some progress. I added this to messages.js:

    protobufs[EMsg.ClientFSGetFollowerCount] = Schema.CMsgFSGetFollowerCount;
    protobufs[EMsg.ClientFSGetFollowerCountResponse] = Schema.CMsgFSGetFollowerCountResponse;

    And changed my new method to:

    SteamUser.prototype.getFollowerCount = function(appid, callback) {
      return StdLib.Promises.timeoutCallbackPromise(10000, [], callback, (resolve, reject) => {
        this._send(SteamUser.EMsg.ClientFSGetFollowerCount, {'steam_id': '103582791432902485'}, (body) => {

    Value of body in the callback:

    { eresult: 1, count: 0 }


    So, seems that I am sending the message correctly now, but either using wrong ID for CS:GO or misusing the library somehow.

  5. Not sure if it is possible, but I would like to get game's follower count using node-steam-user.

    What I have tried, is creating a similar method to getPlayerCount, but replacing the message. So, what I came up with looks like this:

    SteamUser.prototype.getFollowerCount = function(appid, callback) {
      return StdLib.Promises.timeoutCallbackPromise(10000, [], callback, (resolve, reject) => {
        this._send(SteamUser.EMsg.ClientFSGetFollowerCount, [730], (body) => {

    But with this approach, calling the new method gets me a Type Error:

    TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "list[1]" argument must be one of type Array, Buffer, or Uint8Array. Received type object
        at Function.concat (buffer.js:479:13)
        at SteamUser._send (/home/harry/steam-tools/node_modules/steam-user/components/messages.js:456:31)
        at StdLib.Promises.timeoutCallbackPromise (/home/harry/steam-tools/src/steam-client.js:8:8)
        at Promise (/home/harry/steam-tools/node_modules/@doctormckay/stdlib/components/promises.js:22:25)
        at new Promise (<anonymous>)
        at Object.Promises.timeoutPromise (/home/harry/steam-tools/node_modules/@doctormckay/stdlib/components/promises.js:10:9)
        at Object.Promises.timeoutCallbackPromise (/home/harry/steam-tools/node_modules/@doctormckay/stdlib/components/promises.js:83:25)
        at SteamUser.getHarryTest (/home/harry/steam-tools/src/steam-client.js:7:25)
        at SteamUser.<anonymous> (/home/harry/steam-tools/src/steam-client.js:44:12)
        at SteamUser.emit (events.js:198:13)


    So, this raises me a few questions:

    1. Am I even able to create new methods in this way (sending a different message with appropriate body) or are there some limitations that I am not aware of?
    2. If the approach is fine, then how can I figure out the correct message body that I need to send? Is it documented somewhere or is there some method of figuring it out? (I am assuming that my issue is coming from invalid message body).
    3. Of course, I would be very thankful for the help of resolving the actual issue here or some directions to solving it :)


  6. Hi!

    I am using steam-user v4.18.0 and using getProductInfo method. For some games there exists release_date, steam_release_date and for some games I can't find any indication about when this game was released. Do you have some advice for me how to reliably get game's release date? Maybe I should use some other method?

    For example these IDs don't have release date 203160, 221380, 236850, 365590, 220240. But for example CS: GO (id 730) has steam_release_date.

    Let me know if there is some additional info that I can provide.


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