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Everything posted by timetoshine

  1. I have solved this. I used the oAuthLogin. Originally I thought it was out of the question because the regular login worked for the email two factor code. I just tried oAuthLogin with my steamguard and oauth token and it worked with no issues. Code that works: Community.oAuthLogin(CONFIG.steamguard, CONFIG.oAuthToken, err => { Community.editProfile( { name: CONFIGNAME.name }, (err) => { if(err) console.log("failed to change name: ", err) } ) })
  2. I did in order to get the steamguard string and I was trying to use that to login so I wouldn't have to twofactor every time.
  3. I'm so dumb. Thanks! That was it. I was able to get it working with an email authentication code. I'm now stuck on a mobile code account. When trying to use the steamguard param on login, I get back "Error: SteamGuardMobile" Community.login( { "accountName": CONFIG.accountName, "password": CONFIG.password, "steamguard":CONFIG.steamguard, //"authCode": "", // email code //"twoFactorCode": "", // app code "disableMobile": false } , (err, sessionID, cookies, steamguard, oAuthToken) => { if(err) console.log("failed to login: ", err) console.log(steamguard) console.log(oAuthToken) } ) it works when I put the two factor code in but I'm trying to not have to reenter a code every time I run it.
  4. My project is very simple. All I want to do is change my profile name by running a script. The name is hard coded, the account is hard coded. I'm trying to log in without having to provide the two factor code each time I want to run this script. My final goal is to be able to run this script with a push of a button. I was able to get it working with this: const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity') const Community = new SteamCommunity() Community.login( { "accountName": "", "password": "", "authCode": "", "disableMobile": false }, (err, sessionID, steamguard, oAuthToken) => { Community.editProfile( { name: "anything" }, (err) => { console.log("anything", err) } ) } ) obviously filling out the correct info for my account. Without having steam guard, I was able to change the name no problem. However I want steam guard enabled for obvious reasons but every time I want to run this code, I don't want to input the new authCode. I can't figure out how to get oAuthLogin(steamguard, oAuthToken, callback) working. The steamguard parameter is confusing to me because the documentation says it's this "YourSteamID||YourCookieValue" but when I get the return it's an array so I can't just pass what I get into oAuthLogin and when I tried to make it a string, I just recreated the oAuthToken thinking I was combining the right info. My last run ended up with a 401 error and I'm just completely lost. This is also my first time working with node. Any advice on what to try or direction of where I should be looking? Solution:
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