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Everything posted by daeragon

  1. YEAAAAAAH!!!! GG, thanks for help @Dr. McKay! ❤️ I was wrong in the return of the callback But the error persists... ATT: I achieved! I got the correct ID group returned by the response and it is now working normally. Thanks @Dr. McKay
  2. I made some changes and now it's working, but it's returning null Yeaah! I managed to access the response, now it remains to find out how to send a message, from what it seems the "Main" chat ID really is 0? However, it gives the same error or "Error: RateLimitExceeded"
  3. on my other account 🤔
  4. Hooo, maybe it's because I created the group with another account? It's weird because I gave ADM to the bot account. 🤔 Strange, I tested it on the other account that I created the group and it gave the same result.
  5. Thaaanks!! This error was returned, what am I doing wrong? :c
  6. I'm trying to send a message in the first room but it's returning an error, probably the chatId is wrong, how to find my "Principal" chatId? bot.on('groupList', () => { console.log(Object.keys(bot.myGroups )[ 0 ]) bot.chat.sendChatMessage( '103582791471570174' , '0' , "hello") })
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