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Everything posted by HypeLevels

  1. The reason this is happening is because balance is a 32 bit integer. Ur balance goes above the 32 bit integer limit so what it is doing is when it overflows over the INT_MAX (2147483647) it "resets" to INT_MIN (-2147483647) and adds the remainder of Balance - INT_MAX which is (15012313) back to INT_MIN which makes it -2132471336. Just use balance64 and you should be good but if you NEED to use balance you can just do balance + 2 + 2 * INT_MAX
  2. Currently I use steam-session with platform type SteamClient in order to get a refreshToken that I then pass to logOn but that causes my application to crash with the following message: RangeError: "length" is outside of buffer bounds at Buffer.proto.utf8Write (node:internal/buffer:1066:13) at Op.writeStringBuffer [as fn] (C:\Users\John\Desktop\steam\node_modules\protobufjs\src\writer_buffer.js:61:13) at BufferWriter.finish (C:\Users\John\Desktop\steam\node_modules\protobufjs\src\writer.js:453:14) at Function._encodeProto (C:\Users\John\Desktop\steam\node_modules\steam-user\components\03-messages.js:344:29) at SteamUser._send (C:\Users\John\Desktop\steam\node_modules\steam-user\components\03-messages.js:432:29) at SteamUser._sendLogOn (C:\Users\John\Desktop\steam\node_modules\steam-user\components\09-logon.js:347:8) at SteamUser.<anonymous> (C:\Users\John\Desktop\steam\node_modules\steam-user\components\02-connection.js:116:7) at C:\Users\John\Desktop\steam\node_modules\steam-user\components\classes\HandlerManager.js:35:12 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at HandlerManager.emit (C:\Users\John\Desktop\steam\node_modules\steam-user\components\classes\HandlerManager.js:34:12) { code: 'ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS' This happens before loggedOn event is triggered as well. Edit: This is caused by Node 22.7.0, upgrade to 22.8.0 or downgrade to LTS
  3. That would simplify the code a lot, thanks! But I don’t see how that could help with handling errors, as soon as a game starts being played elsewhere my connection with steam closes and I don’t get the playingState event when the user closes the game 😕 perhaps setup some sort of from event that logs the user in each 10 minutes to check if he is done playing could work! The issue is when they have mobile steam guard, in that case remberPassword doesn’t seem to work making it prompt me for the steam guard code every time I reconnect (which isn’t nice as this is gonna run on a vps)
  4. Hey! To avoid having to pay for a simple hour booster I decided to write my own, the issue is that the flow I am following wont work due to how errors are handled. To start off I am logging the user in and starting the games which works just fine, the issue is when a user joins a game on his own machine, LogInElsewhere is thrown and the steam connection is closed, making the playingState event not get triggered anymore. to avoid that I am listening to the error event and logging in the user again, which also won't work as I will get in a login loop that will eventually rate limit me. Another issue I had is with logging in multiple accounts, I have the accounts in JSON array format and using forEach, the expected behavior is get logged on the first and second account but what happens is that the first account gets logged in and the second one doesn't... Down below there is full code of my experiment. Any help is appreciated. const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); const inquirer = require('inquirer'); const accounts = require("./accounts.json") let promise = Promise.resolve() accounts.forEach(account => { promise = promise.then(function () { const user = new SteamUser() user.logOn({ accountName: account.username, password: account.password, rememberPassword: true }) user.on("steamGuard", function (domain, callback) { inquirer .prompt([ { name: "steamGuard", message: `Please input your steamGuard code for ${account.username}: `, type: 'input' } ]) .then((code) => { callback(code.steamGuard) }) }) user.on("playingState", function (blocked, playingApp) { if (blocked) console.log(`Started playing somewhere (blocked: ${blocked}) Awaiting until disconnect`) }) user.on("error", function (err) { console.log(`An error happened when trying to hour boost ${account.username}: ${err.message}`) }) user.on("loggedOn", function () { console.log(`Successfully logged on - ${account.username}`) user.setPersona(1) user.gamesPlayed(730) }) }) })
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