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Everything posted by steamsessions

  1. odd nothing changed other than changing from username to username:value across the board :shrug:
  2. i did use async earlier had no difference am still not using async and it works fine after placing name:var rather than just var
  3. was trying with the enableTwoFactor from user and it seemed entirely broken i then tried with enableTwoFactor from SteamCommunity and it stated "No mobile access token available. Provide one by calling setMobileAppAccessToken()" which lead me to steam session i figured out what the issue was don't know if it's something u wanna check out or not however https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-session/blob/master/examples/login-with-password.ts let startResult = await session.startWithCredentials({ accountName, password, steamGuardMachineToken }); return the error mentioned earlier let startResult = session.startWithCredentials({ accountName: username, password: password, steamGuardMachineToken: var, steamGuardCode: var2 }); as shown on your link works fine. seems steamGuardCode is a required parameter? time to see if i can get the rest to work ^^ ty for the steam-user link
  4. ah is there anyway to grab the access_token from steam user then? would prevent me having to relog any idea why this might be happening tried copying the code u linked same error.
  5. is it even functional on CommonJS atm getting node_modules\steam-session\dist\helpers.js:17 let err = new Error(errorMessage || resultMsg); ^ Error: InvalidParam when using your sample code on CommonJS
  6. Am slightly confused. i need to enable TwoFactor via node i've done this in the past with no issues having some trouble with enableTwoFactor from community just returning null no matter what now looking at the docs it seems i now need to use steam session what confuses me is if am already logged in via community & / user do i need to login again via steam session? theres no way to init steam session with a community session like setCookies or something? how do i setMobileAppAccessToken without having to relog in via steam session?
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