I tried using steam-user and httpRequestPost still returns the same error as before?
I'm using the cookies and session id from steam-user in the headers I am passing
const user = new SteamUser({
httpProxy: proxyString
accountName: String(logOnOptions.accountName),
password: String(logOnOptions.password)
user.on('loggedOn', function() {
user.on('webSession', (sessionID, cookies) => {
community.httpRequestPost('https://steamcommunity.com/actions/ReportAbuse/', {
form: { sessionid: sessionID, json: 1, abuseID: steam_id, eAbuseType: 14, abuseDescription: hijackQuotes[randomIndex], ingameAppID: '' },
headers: { Cookie: cookies, Host: 'steamcommunity.com', Origin: 'https://steamcommunity.com' },
json: true
}, (err, response, body) => {
//Here body returns: You must be logged in to perform that action
//And err returns "HTTP error 401"
}, "steamcommunity");