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Posts posted by gud

  1. On 10/20/2023 at 6:56 AM, Dr. McKay said:

    Works fine for me.

    Why are you doing all that and not just calling community.setCookies()?

    Yea, I tried using setCookies but it made no differance

    Versions im using from NPM:

    steam-user 5.0.1

    steamcommunity 3.47.0

    Node: v16.20.0

    NPM: 8.19.4

  2. 2 hours ago, Dr. McKay said:

    This is a known issue, see: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/issues/321

    community.login isn't going to work until I can finish the v4 rewrite. Until then, you can either use steam-session or steam-user to get login cookies for use with steamcommunity.

    I tried using steam-user and httpRequestPost still returns the same error as before?

    I'm using the cookies and session id from steam-user in the headers I am passing


                            const user = new SteamUser({
                                httpProxy: proxyString
                                accountName: String(logOnOptions.accountName),
                                password: String(logOnOptions.password)
    			user.on('loggedOn', function() {
                            	user.on('webSession', (sessionID, cookies) => {
                                		community.httpRequestPost('https://steamcommunity.com/actions/ReportAbuse/', {
                                        		form: { sessionid: sessionID, json: 1, abuseID: steam_id, eAbuseType: 14, abuseDescription: 					hijackQuotes[randomIndex], ingameAppID: '' },
                                        		headers: { Cookie: cookies, Host: 'steamcommunity.com', Origin: 'https://steamcommunity.com' },
                                        		json: true
                                    }, (err, response, body) => {
                                       //Here body returns: You must be logged in to perform that action
                                       //And err returns "HTTP error 401"
                                    }, "steamcommunity");


  3. Steam has updated their login flow, and now it seems logging in doesn't work as intended. When using "community.login" and using the session id and cookies given by that to send a httpRequestPost now throws an error.


    Steam returns: You must be logged in to perform that action.


    Is there any fix for this?

  4. Hello! I am trying to use proxies to log in using the node package, but I am getting some errors.


    The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect.


    Here is my code atm:

                            const logOnOptions = {
                              accountName: account.split(":")[0],
                              password: account.split(":")[1]
    						const proxySplit = proxies[currentProxyIndex].split(":");
                            const proxyIp = proxySplit[0];
                            const proxyPort = proxySplit[1];
                            const proxyUser = proxySplit[2];
                            const proxyPass = proxySplit[3];
                            const proxy = request.defaults({ 'proxy': `http://${proxyUser}:${proxyPass}@${proxyIp}:${proxyPort}` }) as any;
                            // @ts-ignore
                            const community = new SteamCommunity({ request: proxy });
                                "accountName": logOnOptions.accountName,
                                "password": logOnOptions.password
                            }, (err, sessionID, cookies, steamguard, oAuthToken) => {
                                if (err) {
                                    console.log(`[ERROR] ${logOnOptions.accountName} failed to login | ${err}`);


    What am I doing wrong?


    Edit: Ok, I figured out that I was using only 1 proxy ip for all of them. But I still got an error for "The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect."


    It works fine if I simplify down everything and enter the details manually in the strings accountName and password.

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