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Everything posted by sanchoys

  1. I tried sending a message with BBcode as described in the documentation, but I'm getting the wrong display. const messageTest = '[img src="https://giphy.com/gifs/test-gw3IWyGkC0rsazTi" thumbnail_src="https://media0.giphy.com/media/gw3IWyGkC0rsazTi/giphy.gif" height="199" width="265" giphy_search="test" title="test GIF"][url=https://media0.giphy.com/media/gw3IWyGkC0rsazTi/giphy.gif]https://media0.giphy.com/media/gw3IWyGkC0rsazTi/giphy.gif[/url][/img]'; console.log(messageTest) const result = await user.chat.sendFriendMessage(steamId, messageTest); console.log(result)
  2. How can I send a picture with sendFriendMessage() method?
  3. user.on('loggedOn', async () => { console.log('success login'); const linkInfo = await user.chat.getInviteLinkInfo("https://s.team/chat/jpfCmJfF"); console.log(linkInfo); })
  4. my program uses electron and react libraries, when I try to use community.login() method I get this error: This is how I import node-steamcommunity in renderer process: Everything worked fine on the [email protected] version, but I had to upgrade due to authorization changes.
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