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  1. I looked into this issue and found out that it's not a problem with the proxy provider. I was testing steam-user functionality in Deno, which is not fully compatible with Node.js—especially with https-proxy-agent, which steam-user uses under the hood. import axios from 'axios'; import { HttpsProxyAgent } from 'https-proxy-agent'; const httpsAgent = new HttpsProxyAgent('PROXY_URL_HERE'); const instance = axios.create({ httpsAgent, timeout: 15000 }); const res = await instance.get('https://steamcommunity.com'); console.log(res.data, res.status); For instance, this code works perfectly fine in Node.js, whereas in the Deno runtime, it throws an error. I guess I'll have to stick with Node.js for now.
  2. I've been having issues logging in with steam-user while using proxies. Can anyone recommend a reliable proxy provider that works well with steam-user, especially for websocket connections?
  3. The steam-session uses the protobufjs/codegen module, which internally evaluates strings as JavaScript code. This causes errors in browser extensions because of strict security settings. Here's the full error trace: Some related issues i found on github: https://github.com/protobufjs/protobuf.js/issues/593 https://github.com/protobufjs/protobuf.js/issues/1483
  4. Hi, I'm developing a Chrome extension related to the Steam and have encountered a blocking issue with the Content Security Policy. The error message is: I'd like to know if there's any planned support or existing workarounds for environments with strict security policies, such as those in newer Chrome extension versions.
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