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Everything posted by krogon500

  1. Okay. But I did the same in C# with SteamKit2 and RAM usage is around 400 MB (against 2 GB+ with your lib in Node). I guess, Node is different with RAM usage? I don't know much about Node and JS in general, so my question may sound dumb...
  2. I want to get one field from product info for almost all Steam apps (around 200k), and save it to my DB. My code looks something like that: const client = new SteamUser(); /*...*/ const appIdList = []/*Just an array with app ids*/; const appListForDB = []; const chunkSize = 1000; for (let i = 0; i < appIdList.length; i += chunkSize) { const chunk = appIdList.slice(i, i + chunkSize); let result = await client.getProductInfo(chunk, [], false); const apps = result.apps; for (const key in apps) { const appInfo = apps[key].appinfo; /*Populating list for DB, it has an app id and a game executable string*/ } } /*Logging Off*/ client.logOff(); /*Inserting values to DB*/ DBUtils.insertValues(appListForDB); I split app id list into chunks, but the RAM usage is just building up after each chunk. So no garbage collected. I even tried to remove all DB related stuff, and RAM usage is still building up (so I think it's the "SteamUser" fault). Is it normal behavior and I just need more RAM, or something can be done to make it work within ~200 MB RAM usage?
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