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  1. Sorry I misspoke, apikey rather than authentication. I would rather not to have to either use both or reimplement in node-steam when I know the data is right there in the xml query that node-steamcommunity is already using. I've made a basic first pass that extracts the info I need: https://github.com/Morgyn/node-steamcommunity/blob/master/classes/CSteamUser.js
  2. So implement node-steam instead? I really don't want to have to implement authentication for something that's just public. Would you be against me submitting a pull request if I add this to node-steamcommunity? Should be fairly trivial as you're already pulling the data.
  3. I have just noticed from the source you pull from the xml version. <inGameServerIP></inGameServerIP><inGameInfo> <gameName>Rust</gameName> <gameLink>https://steamcommunity.com/app/252490</gameLink> <gameIcon> https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/252490/820be4782639f9c4b64fa3ca7e6c26a95ae4fd1c.jpg </gameIcon> <gameLogo> https://shared.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/252490/21aac0b6e20e1ba12f635e7deb730e32a51afbd5/capsule_184x69.jpg?t=1738927718 </gameLogo> <gameLogoSmall> https://shared.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/252490/21aac0b6e20e1ba12f635e7deb730e32a51afbd5/capsule_184x69.jpg?t=1738927718 </gameLogoSmall> <gameJoinLink>steam://connect/</gameJoinLink> </inGameInfo>
  4. Hi, Would it be possible to have an interface to grab the server that someone is connected to with the green "Join Game" button. <div class="profile_in_game persona in-game"> <div class="profile_in_game_header">Currently In-Game</div> <div class="profile_in_game_name"> Rust </div> <div class="profile_in_game_joingame"> <a href="steam://connect/" class="btn_green_white_innerfade btn_small_thin"> <span>Join Game</span> </a> </div> </div> Above is the section of code that contains the button, I'm not sure if this is out of scope of this library. Thanks!
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