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Everything posted by Liumy

  1. I also tried to remove the webCompatibilityMode option, and the timeout problem still existed, the logs were similar except the protocol became tcp.
  2. const steam = new SteamUser({ webCompatibilityMode: true }); steam.on("debug", (msg) => { console.log('Steam deug: ', msg) }); let currentUser = null; let currentLoginPromise: Promise<unknown> | null = null; const login = () => { if (!currentLoginPromise) { currentLoginPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (currentUser) { resolve(currentUser); return; } console.log('Steam: Start login') steam.logOn(); steam.on("loggedOn", (detail) => { resolve(detail); currentUser = detail; console.log('Steam: login successfully', detail) }); steam.on("error", (error) => { reject(error); console.log('Steam: failed to login') }); }); } return currentLoginPromise; }; await login() I simply wrape the steam.logOn in a custom login method, it will return a promise that will resolve if login successfully.
  3. Here are the debug logs, I add some blank lines for better reading. "Steam: Start login" "Steam deug: Forcing protocol to EConnectionProtocol.WebSocket because webCompatibilityMode is enabled" "(node:12) [steam-user] Warning: Logging into anonymous Steam account. If you didn't expect this warning, make sure that you're properly passing your log on details to the logOn() method. To suppress this warning, pass {anonymous: true} to logOn(). (Use \"node --trace-warnings ...\" to show where the warning was created)" "Steam deug: API GET request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamDirectory/GetCMListForConnect/v0001/?format=vdf&cellid=0&cmtype=websockets: 200" "Steam deug: Randomly chose websockets server ext3-iad1.steamserver.net:27032 (load = 11, wtd_load = 5.68753433227539063)" "Steam deug: [W1] Connecting to WebSocket CM ext3-iad1.steamserver.net:27032" "Steam deug: [W1] WebSocket connection success; now logging in" "Steam deug: Sending message: ClientLogon" "Steam deug: Logon message timeout elapsed. Attempting relog." "Steam deug: Disconnecting without sending logoff" "Steam deug: [W1] Ending connection and removing all listeners" "Steam deug: Enqueueing login attempt in 1000 ms" "Steam deug: Firing queued login attempt" "Steam deug: Forcing protocol to EConnectionProtocol.WebSocket because webCompatibilityMode is enabled" "Steam deug: API GET request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamDirectory/GetCMListForConnect/v0001/?format=vdf&cellid=0&cmtype=websockets: 200" "Steam deug: Randomly chose websockets server ext1-iad1.steamserver.net:27022 (load = 11, wtd_load = 6.34135580062866211)" "Steam deug: [W2] Connecting to WebSocket CM ext1-iad1.steamserver.net:27022" "Steam deug: [W2] WebSocket connection success; now logging in" "Steam deug: Sending message: ClientLogon" "Steam deug: Logon message timeout elapsed. Attempting relog." "Steam deug: Disconnecting without sending logoff" "Steam deug: [W2] Ending connection and removing all listeners" "Steam deug: Enqueueing login attempt in 2000 ms" "Steam deug: Firing queued login attempt" "Steam deug: Forcing protocol to EConnectionProtocol.WebSocket because webCompatibilityMode is enabled" "Steam deug: API GET request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamDirectory/GetCMListForConnect/v0001/?format=vdf&cellid=0&cmtype=websockets: 200" "Steam deug: Randomly chose websockets server ext1-iad1.steamserver.net:27035 (load = 11, wtd_load = 4.44481897354125977)" "Steam deug: [W3] Connecting to WebSocket CM ext1-iad1.steamserver.net:27035" "Steam deug: [W3] WebSocket connection success; now logging in" "Steam deug: Sending message: ClientLogon" "Steam deug: Logon message timeout elapsed. Attempting relog." "Steam deug: Disconnecting without sending logoff" "Steam deug: [W3] Ending connection and removing all listeners" It seems that the ClientLogon method didn't get response from the Steam server. I really appreciate if anyone could help.
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