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  1. I fixed the issue, secret was wrong somehow, I extracted new one from android. Thank you McKay, you are the real doc!
  2. Does this mean that if the shared secret is correct, the script will log in on its own and won't ask me to manually enter the Steam Guard code?
  3. The secret I’m using is from the Steam Desktop Authenticator (SDA) app, so I don’t think it’s incorrect. Heroku uses accurate time, I’ve checked, so unless steam-totp isn’t working properly, I’ll try syncing the time somehow. Also, do you have any ideas on how I could pass the Steam Guard key for Heroku to use it?
  4. Hey everyone, So, I’ve got this script set up on Heroku to idle Steam games 24/7. It works great locally, but I’ve hit a couple of issues when running it on Heroku, and I was wondering if anyone has any advice. Here’s the basic idea: the script uses environment variables for the Steam username, password, and shared secret. It generates the twoFactorCode using steam-totp and logs into Steam to idle the games. Here’s a snippet of the code for context: const username = process.env.username; const password = process.env.password; const shared_secret = process.env.shared; const games = [1546990, 12110, 12240]; const status = 1; const twoFactorCode = steamTotp.generateAuthCode(shared_secret); console.log("Generated Steam Guard code:", twoFactorCode); if (!username || !password || !shared_secret) { console.error("Please check your .env file. One or more variables are missing."); process.exit(1); } user = new steamUser(); user.logOn({ accountName: username, password: password, twoFactorCode: twoFactorCode, }); user.on('loggedOn', () => { if (user.steamID != null) console.log(user.steamID + ' - Successfully logged on'); user.setPersona(status); user.gamesPlayed(games); }); user.on('error', (err) => { console.error('Login error:', err); if (err.message.includes('RateLimitExceeded')) { console.log('Rate limit hit. Waiting for 30 minutes before retrying...'); } }); Steam Guard Key Input is a problem because Heroku doesn’t allow for interactive input, so there’s no way to manually enter the Steam Guard key when it’s required, like you’d do when running the script locally. The generated twoFactorCode isn’t matching the one on my phone. I’m using the shared secret from the mobile authenticator, but for some reason, it’s just not working correctly. I even tried switching to a refresh token system to bypass the need for a twoFactorCode, but the problem is that I can’t keep updating and resending the token on Heroku. It’s just not practical to deploy updates manually every time the token expires. So, does anyone have a workaround for these issues? Maybe a better way to handle Steam Guard authentication or refresh tokens in a Heroku environment? I’d appreciate any tips, code examples, or ideas. Thanks in advance! 😊
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