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  1. Hey everyone, I hope someone here can help me out. I’m generating a normal AuthSessionTicket, and the authentication process on the client side works perfectly: My ticket 18064878541946401054 was validated by [I:1:1]: OK The issue arises when I try to validate the ticket with Steam’s WebAPI using the new identity parameter. The response I get is: { response: { error: { errorcode: 105, errordesc: 'Identity parameter did not match' } } } I’ve tried everything I can think of, but I just can’t figure out what the correct identity value should be. I’ve already tried using SteamNetworkingIdentity::ToString(), as suggested by some users, which results in an identity string like "steam:STEAMID64", but that still leads to the same error. If anyone has any pointers or insight into what the WebAPI expects for the identity field, I’d greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance for your help!
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