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  1. Ive notice on the odd ocassion, the newOffer event has triggered multiple times for the same trade offer. Maybe my sign-in logic is bad. I start listening to the events in another file> Please if anyone can explain why I get duplicate events sometimes. Thanks. async function startNewOffersListener() { if (newOffersListenerStarted) { console.log("⚠️ New offers listener is already running."); return; } newOffersListenerStarted = true; // Prevent duplicate starts console.log("✅ New offers listener started."); // Listen for new offers steamOffManagerInstance.manager.on('newOffer', offer => { //console.log('new trade offer', offer); let skinMarketName = null; let assetId = null; let actionsLink = null; let isCommodity = null; (async () => { try { offer.itemsToReceive.forEach((item, index) => { skinMarketName = item.market_hash_name; assetId = item.assetid; isCommodity = item.commodity; console.log(`newOffer`); console.log(`Item ${index + 1}:`); console.log(`Name: ${item.name}`); console.log(`Market Hash Name: ${item.market_hash_name}`); console.log(`AssetId: ${item.assetid}`); console.log(`Commodity: ${item.commodity}`); console.log(`PartnerId: ${offer.partner}`); console.log(`Actions:`); class SteamOfferManagerInstance { constructor(account) { this.account = account; this.hasWebLogOnBeenCalled = false; this.hasbeenUsed = false; this.init = false; this.firstTimeLog = false; this.access_token = ''; this.waitingForSteamGuard = false; // Track Steam Guard input state // Conditionally set proxy for client and community this.client = proxy ? new SteamUser({ debug: true, autoRelogin: true, httpProxy: proxy }) : new SteamUser(); this.community = proxy ? new SteamCommunity({ request: request.defaults({ proxy: proxy }) }) : new SteamCommunity(); this.manager = new steam_offer_manager({ "steam": this.client, "communinty": this.community, "domain": "localhost", "language": "en", "useAccessToken": true, }); //test commit for workflow this.logOnOptions = { "accountName": account.name, "password": account.password, "logonID": Date.now().toString().slice(-5), "twoFactorCode": SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(sharedSecret) }; // Handle other events this.client.on('loggedOn', () => { console.log('Successfully logged into Steam as', this.account.name); console.log('Logged in on IP', this.client.publicIP); }); this.client.on('webSession', async (sessionID, cookies) => { this.manager.setCookies(cookies, function(err) { if (err) { throw err; } }); this.community.setCookies(cookies); const [key, value] = cookies[0].split('='); this.access_token = value.split('%7C%7C')[1]; this.init = true; }); this.setRelogin(); } setRelogin() { if (!this.hasWebLogOnBeenCalled) { this.hasWebLogOnBeenCalled = true; this.isLogged = false; this.logOnOptions.logonID = Date.now().toString().slice(-5); try { if (this.firstTimeLog) { this.client.webLogOn(); } else { this.client.logOn(this.logOnOptions); this.firstTimeLog = true; } } catch (err) { if (err.message === "Already logged on, cannot log on again") { this.isLogged = true; } else { console.log('Login Error:', err.message); } } } if (this.hasWebLogOnBeenCalled) { setTimeout(() => { this.hasWebLogOnBeenCalled = false; }, 360000); } }
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