const { LoginSession, EAuthTokenPlatformType } = require('steam-session');
const qrcode = require('qrcode-terminal');
// We need to wrap everything in an async function since node <14.8 cannot use await in the top-level context
async function main() {
// Create our LoginSession and start a QR login session.
let session = new LoginSession(EAuthTokenPlatformType.MobileApp);
session.loginTimeout = 120000; // timeout after 2 minutes
let startResult = await session.startWithQR();
qrcode.generate(startResult.qrChallengeUrl, { small: true });
session.on('remoteInteraction', () => {
console.log('Looks like you\'ve scanned the code! Now just approve the login.');
// No need to handle steamGuardMachineToken since it's only applicable to accounts using email Steam Guard,
// and such accounts can't be authed using a QR code.
session.on('authenticated', async () => {
console.log('\nAuthenticated successfully! Printing your tokens now...');
console.log(`SteamID: ${session.steamID}`);
console.log(`Account name: ${session.accountName}`);
console.log(`Access token: ${session.accessToken}`);
console.log(`Refresh token: ${session.refreshToken}`);
// We can also get web cookies now that we've negotiated a session
let webCookies = await session.getWebCookies();
console.log('Web session cookies:');
session.on('timeout', () => {
console.log('This login attempt has timed out.');
session.on('error', (err) => {
// This should ordinarily not happen. This only happens in case there's some kind of unexpected error while
// polling, e.g. the network connection goes down or Steam chokes on something.
console.log(`ERROR: This login attempt has failed! ${err.message}`);
Looks like you've scanned the code! Now just approve the login.
ERROR: This login attempt has failed! FileNotFound