Good day!
For a long time, I had few issues with proxy providers, but as of recent, my proxy provider has been providing unreliable proxies. Because of this I have created my own proxy management system and want to flag proxies that they don't catch acting erroneously. So I want to handle proxy connection errors. One error I am having a lot of issue handling is one that looks like this:
Error: connect ETIMEDOUT [ip address and port]
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1159:16) {
errno: -110,
code: 'ETIMEDOUT',
syscall: 'connect',
address: '[ip address]',
port: [port]
What I want to do is add some code into "net.js:1159" to handle the error by sending a message to the proxy management system to flag the proxy, after which the proxy is blacklisted. However, I cannot find 'net.js'. Do you have any ideas or suggestions on how I can handle this error?