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The balance is showing as a negative number.

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The actual balance is 22,517,929.24

After logging in, a wallet event was triggered, and it's showing an incorrect balance of -20431743.72


Could anyone help me understand what might be going wrong and guide me on how to fix it?

Edited by miaomiaomiao
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  • 2 weeks later...
Received wallet info update: {
  has_wallet: true,
  balance: -2132471336,
  currency: 15,
  balance_delayed: 0,
  balance64: '2162495960',
  balance64_delayed: '0',
  realm: 1
this is a wallet event  balance64 is Correct 


// source code

this.emit('wallet', body.has_wallet, body.currency, body.balance / 100);
this.wallet = {
    hasWallet: body.has_wallet,
    currency: body.currency,
    balance: body.balance / 100

body.balance  use body.balance64 is ok

doctor can update this?

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  • 2 months later...
On 6/20/2024 at 3:44 AM, miaomiaomiao said:
Received wallet info update: {
  has_wallet: true,
  balance: -2132471336,
  currency: 15,
  balance_delayed: 0,
  balance64: '2162495960',
  balance64_delayed: '0',
  realm: 1
this is a wallet event  balance64 is Correct 


// source code

this.emit('wallet', body.has_wallet, body.currency, body.balance / 100);
this.wallet = {
    hasWallet: body.has_wallet,
    currency: body.currency,
    balance: body.balance / 100

body.balance  use body.balance64 is ok

doctor can update this?

The reason this is happening is because balance is a 32 bit integer. Ur balance goes above the 32 bit integer limit so what it is doing is when it overflows over the INT_MAX (2147483647) it "resets" to INT_MIN (-2147483647) and adds the remainder of Balance - INT_MAX which is (15012313) back to INT_MIN which makes it -2132471336.


Just use balance64 and you should be good but if you NEED to use balance you can just do

balance + 2 + 2 * INT_MAX
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