kalabass Posted yesterday at 01:09 PM Report Posted yesterday at 01:09 PM For some reason, offers are not processed by the bot, neither newOffer nor pollData is processed. Although the bot is successfully launched and cookies are installed, as far as I can tell from the logs, but for some reason the offers do not come, I send them manually to the bot. I was reading this form looking for answers, and I found some advice that when working with CS:GO items should use useAccessToken, but it didn't help. The bot also parses inventory and gets prices for items at this time, sometimes I exceed the number of requests and get 429 responses, could this be a problem? Logs: { "logs": [ { "id": 15023, "message": "success polling data", "time": "2025-02-21 15:24:45.830", "body": null, "status": "success", "error": null }, { "id": 15016, "message": "success polling data", "time": "2025-02-21 15:24:15.596", "body": null, "status": "success", "error": null }, { "id": 15017, "message": "polling data", "time": "2025-02-21 15:24:15.596", "body": "{\"data\":{\"sent\":{},\"received\":{},\"timestamps\":{},\"offersSince\":0}}", "status": "test", "error": null }, { "id": 15014, "message": "Session is valid", "time": "2025-02-21 15:24:15.305", "body": "secret", "status": "success", "error": null }, { "id": 15013, "message": "TradeOfferManager set up with current cookies.", "time": "2025-02-21 15:24:15.279", "body": "secret" "status": "success", "error": null }, { "id": 15012, "message": "Cookies set up", "time": "2025-02-21 15:24:14.858", "body": "secret", "status": "success", "error": null }, { "id": 15011, "message": "Starting cookie setup", "time": "2025-02-21 15:24:14.779", "body": "secret", "status": "test", "error": null }, { "id": 15010, "message": "Bot <botname> logged in. Steam Id: <steamid>", "time": "2025-02-21 15:24:14.368", "body": "secret" "status": "success", "error": null }, { "id": 15009, "message": "logged on", "time": "2025-02-21 15:24:12.227", "body": "secret", "status": "success", "error": null } ] } Bot code(I removed all the logic and left only logs) : import SteamTotp from 'steam-totp'; import TradeOfferManager from 'steam-tradeoffer-manager'; import SteamUser from 'steam-user'; import SteamCommunity from 'steamcommunity'; import '../extensions/extensions.js'; import logsService from '../services/logsService.js'; export class Bot { steamID; config; client; community; manager; constructor(config, checkDelay) { this.config = config; this.client = new SteamUser(); this.community = new SteamCommunity(); this.manager = new TradeOfferManager({ steam: this.client, community: this.community, language: 'en', useAccessToken: true, }); this.logOn(); this.client.on('disconnected', (err, msg) => { logsService.logError('Bot logged out, session invalid', { err, msg, }); }); this.client.on('error', (err) => { logsService.logError('Error during bot work', {}, err); }); this.client.on('loggedOn', async (details) => { this.steamID = details.client_supplied_steamid; logsService.logSuccess( `Bot ${config.username} logged in. Steam Id: ${details.client_supplied_steamid}`, { details }, ); this.client.gamesPlayed(730); if (config.isNeedToLogSteamGuard) { setInterval(() => { logsService.logTest( `Bot "${config.username}". Steam Guard: ${SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.shared_secret)}`, ); }, config.refreshInterval); } }); this.client.on('webSession', async (sessionId, cookies) => { logsService.logTest('Starting cookie setup', { cookie: cookies }); this.manager.setCookies(cookies, (err) => { if (err) { logsService.logError( `Error setting up TradeOfferManager: ${err}`, cookies, err, ); } else { logsService.logSuccess( 'TradeOfferManager set up with current cookies.', cookies, ); } }); this.community.setCookies(cookies); this.community.startConfirmationChecker( config.refreshInterval, config.identity_secret, ); logsService.logSuccess('Cookies set up', cookies); this.community.getSteamUser(this.community.steamID, (err, user) => { if (err) { logsService.logError( 'Session check error, cookies may be invalid', {}, err, ); } else { logsService.logSuccess('Session is valid', { user }); } }); }); this.manager.on('sentOfferChanged', (offer, oldState) => { logsService.logTest('sentOfferChanged', { offer }); }); this.manager.on('newOffer', (offer) => { logsService.logTest('offer received', { offer, isAdmin, admin_steam_id: +process.env.ADMIN_STEAM_ID, }); }); this.manager.on('pollData', (data) => { logsService.logTest('polling data', { data }); }); this.manager.on('pollFailure', (err) => { logsService.logError('error polling data', {}, err); }); this.manager.on('pollSuccess', (data) => { logsService.logSuccess('success polling data', data); }); } async logOn() { const logOnOptions = { accountName: this.config.username, password: this.config.password, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(this.config.shared_secret), autoRelogin: true, }; this.client.logOn(logOnOptions); logsService.logSuccess('logged on', { logOnOptions }); } } Quote
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