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  1. marzu

    access denied

    can u suggest me someone who could help me with this i can pay more if must
  2. marzu

    access denied

    can i send u the code and fix it for me i can pay u 50usd since idk how to do it myself, im not coder myself i bought this bot, i can send payment upfront
  3. marzu

    access denied

    i changed logon´s with weblogon´s now http://imgur.com/a/wm8g7 data("Wait 30 seconds.... logging into steam client"); setTimeout(function() { log("Logging in using fake steam client."); user.webLogOn({ 'accountName': config.Steam.username, 'password': config.Steam.password, 'twoFactorCode': totp.generateAuthCode(config.Steam.sharedSecret) }); }, 30000);});
  4. marzu

    access denied

    hi im very new to the coding not sure how it exactly works, as much as i know the bot itself is still online. chat works all good, but if someone do does send friend request it says friend request accepted but failed to invite to join group. also when someone do does send offer it wont be able to accept them. average time for bot to work fine is around 8-14hours before the error. and the only way to fix this is by restarting the bot again. sometimes when restarting the bot i have to wait 5-15min before i can restart the bot since it will give 403 error in console and wont start. i will wait if it happens again so i can provide screenshots of the error.
  5. marzu

    access denied

    hi im using bot that after some time(around 12-24hours) gets access denied 403 and wont be able to get tradeoffers nor invite people to the group, but the bot keeps working great itself with chat. only way to fix this is to restart the bot again, sometimes i have to wait 5-15min before it lets me to restart because of error 403 willing to pay for help 50usd if thats enough my steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/Marzu/
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