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Posts posted by Biscwis

  1. Hey,


    I'm trying to do some automation about connecting to csgo skins markets, those sites are using the openid provider of steam.


    when you press the connecting to steam, it will redirect to steam where you need to login to the steam user.


    Now what I want to achieve is to connect to each market through this openid using my steam account, I want to be able to do this with using nodejs request / other similar alternative.


    Currently I am using sellenium to browse to each market, browse to the authentication page and manually login to steam, clicking sign it and returning the site.

    This method cause the need for a browser and seems to have a lot of bugs and random glitches in it (from the sellenium side).


    Is there a way to do that? without opening actuall browser? or mimic a browser in faster way / more reliable way?


  2. It will already retry connection until either it succeeds or error gets emitted.


    Unfortunately this isn't working, error is not being emmited. And I have waited for well over an hour for it to reconnect.


    In case this is happening closing nodejs and retrying is working most of the times, but waiting doesn't ever making it connect..

  3. Hey,


    I am using the steam-user to connect with my user:

        // Steam logon options
        var logOnOptions = {
            "accountName": config.username,
            "password": base64.decode(config.password),
            "twoFactorCode": SteamTotp.getAuthCode(config.authCode)
        console.log('Trying to connect to steam...');

    and using the events:

    client.on('loggedOn', function() {
        console.log("Successfully logged in to steam");
    client.on('error', function(e) {
        console.log('Steam Error: ');
    client.on('disconnected', function(eresult, msg) {
        console.log('Steam disconnected: ');

    Most of the time the connection is working and everything works ok, however there are times where I call the login function and the loggedOn function isn't being called.

    It seems like steam junky servers are causing that. However I would still like to retry connect every time I fail.


    Didn't manage to find any event to catch if I failed to connect - so I can try to reconnect and haven't seem any variables inside client that I can use to check if the connection succeeded.


    Any way to solve this issue? Allow the steam user to retry connect or any other solution to make sure it will connect eventually?

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