Hay, i cant send Tradeoffer's. My Code is:
SteamUser.on('webSession', function(sessionID, cookies) {
log('Got the WebSession from the login!');
SteamCommunity.setCookies(cookies); // sets the cookies for steamcommunity
manager.setCookies(cookies); // sets the cookies for the trade-offer manager
var offer = manager.createOffer(tradeurl); // create a new offer
offer.addTheirItem({"appid": 730, "contextid": 2, "assetid": "6658188534"}); // add a item
offer.send(function(err, status) { // send a offer
if (err) { // if it fails
log(err + ' ' + status, true);
} else {
console.log("Offer #" + offer.id + " " + status);
}); /* TODO: A WAY TO REFRESH SESSIONS */ This gives me the following Error: [2016:06:22-12:59:42] accountname: Error: HTTP error 403 undefined