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  1. I'm sorry for bothering you again but I kinda got a problem with my bot again. So I have it set up that I can give inspect links in this format: M1467397635166412633A2943920796D7253158134192955045 and my program returns the float. I can enter as many links as I want, it's working good. But when I take "M191783457426224171A6800347302D5334065854413183724" as inspect link my program will get stuck on that link. I confirmed its a valid link by checking it with GLWS & ingame. I really can't find the reason for this link not working (checked the regex and everything seems perfectly working) complete code: https://gist.github.com/henrykvdb/21b45a45e3a0cad251e0d441fedfea5a The inspect link that's commented out in the code is the one that's not working for some reason. Thanks in advance for helping, if you can help me figure this out my bot should be pretty much done
  2. Okay gotcha so logical, can't believe I didn't see my mistake myself Thanks a lot once again!
  3. So I got node.js code and for some reason the csgo.on will be triggered twice by the same emit [the console.log("Called is only called once")] which is not supposed to happen. this.getFloat = function (m,a,d) { console.log("Called"); csgo.inspectItem(m,a,d); csgo.on('inspectItemInfo',function(skin) //What happens after GC is ready { console.log(userName + " got float: " + skin.paintwear); setTimeout(function () { userOject.gcReady = true; },900) }); }PS ignore the unnecessary console.log's I was debugging some things. EDIT: Also if this is the wrong place to ask, I'm sorry :S. Tell me and I'll remove my post immediately.
  4. Wow man thanks a lot, you're awesome!
  5. Crashlog: https://gist.github.com/henrykvdb/1afe783b38c8fe222c9a7bf5958888a0
  6. Woops, uploading a new one in a minute
  7. Yes I do. Also, I ran into some issues trying to make make a custom request simular to the requestLiveGames request in your node-globaloffensive library. I added this: https://gist.github.com/henrykvdb/6ee2d8bd8e58246f023ae2a57df12800 to the globaloffensive\index.js file (this is also where the globaloffensive.prototype.requestLiveGames is located. And I also added this: https://gist.github.com/henrykvdb/91e556493b9d18dd5b2e93270780d46e to the globaloffensive\handlers.js file (same place as the handler for the globaloffensive.prototype.requestLiveGames is located) But I'm pretty sure I messed up the syntax or some other part of the code somewhere wich causes it to crash. You'll probably see my mistake pretty easilly but here's the crash log anyways: https://gist.github.com/henrykvdb/9b46eab5852a05c6bc4a680f1edff403 PS: The line that makes the code crash is csgo.custom("2943920796","7253158134192955045","1467397635166412633")
  8. Okay I've been looking for how to fix it all day long and couldn't find it. After trying what you said I can confirm that was indeed the problem. Now my code is fully functional but for some reason webstorm still says that csgo.on is undefined, any idea why? (it's strange because it does trigger when the 'connectedToGC' event is emit. https://gist.github.com/henrykvdb/401a6c3f543afdd89c4886ca9ead0d47 PS: Also .getSteam3RenderedID() is underlined with the message that it's an unresolved function or method, wich is also strange since its working perfectly fine.
  9. I'm sorry if this question is a bit nooby but I was wondering what I am doing wrong. I'm trying to use you're node-steam-user library and your node-globaloffensive library. And steamUser.on (see my code) won't give the connectedToGC event, and my IDE (webstorm) won't let me do csgo.on without giving me an error so I'm unsure where I need to listen for the connectedToGC event. Here's my code with the unnecessary parts cut out: https://gist.github.com/henrykvdb/64003c7104c4157204c46d1824bc3357 (I removed the shared_secret & password out of the gist for obvious reasons.
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