Hello there! I have a trouble. My account can't generate API'keys, so i was edited
index.js from steam-tradeoffer-manager folder, and i found
this.apiKey = null and changed it to
this.apiKey = options.apiKeyand in my js script i'm use this:
var manager = new TradeOfferManager({"domain": "example.com", // Our domain is example.com
"language": "en", // We want English item descriptions
"apiKey": "myAPIKEY",
"pollInterval": 5000 // We want to poll every 5 seconds since we don't have Steam notifying us of offers
});Now, i can run my script without errors. For debug i use
steam.on('debug', console.log);
manager.on('debug', console.log);After the start script i'm send some offerts to my "bot". And bot can't detect these offers. And i haven't errors in logs. So what i can do with that? I got this in console: