manager.loadUserInventory(user, 730, 2, false, function (err, inventory) {
if (err) {
console.log(warning("[WARNING]: Couldn't load inventory of " + user + "!"));
} else {
My code looks like this ^. And the result I get in console is:
CEconItem {
id: '7701501191',
classid: '1989271219',
instanceid: '0',
amount: 1,
pos: 2,
assetid: '7701501191',
contextid: '2',
appid: '730',
icon_url: 'IzMF03bi9WpSBq-S-ekoE33L-iLqGFHVaU25ZzQNQcXdB2ozio1RrlIWFK3UfvMYB8UsvjiMXojflsZalyxSh31CIyHz2GZ-KuFpPsrTzBG0rO2BBTqjOWGReHiLGV9uH7ZbY2ve9zKtsemWRG3BEuotQg9Ve6pX-m1IPMGNIVJjg5FYpGm3hUloEgIhYslfLQ6-kidANabgWCQJ',
icon_url_large: 'IzMF03bi9WpSBq-S-ekoE33L-iLqGFHVaU25ZzQNQcXdB2ozio1RrlIWFK3UfvMYB8UsvjiMXojflsZalyxSh31CIyHz2GZ-KuFpPsrTzBG0rO2BBUv7aSXDKm-OSApqHrZdNGverGai5rnCRT2YFLwsF1oCePNR-jVKPM7dNkQ41dUC5XW2kAJ-ERonYMhTfBuy2ngKbLwgkHJBISpQdIvk',
icon_drag_url: '',
name: 'Graffiti | Toasted (Desert Amber)',
market_hash_name: 'Graffiti | Toasted (Desert Amber)',
market_name: 'Graffiti | Toasted (Desert Amber)',
name_color: 'D2D2D2',
background_color: '',
type: 'Base Grade Graffiti',
tradable: false,
marketable: false,
commodity: true,
market_tradable_restriction: 7,
[ { type: 'html',
value: 'This graffiti can be applied to the in-game world. You can apply it until you run out of charges.' },
{ type: 'html', value: ' ' },
{ type: 'html', value: '', color: '00a000', app_data: [Object] },
{ type: 'html', value: ' ' },
{ type: 'html', value: '' } ],
[ { name: 'Inspect in Game...',
link: 'steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S%owner_steamid%A%assetid%D3362116622103653869' } ],
[ { name: 'Inspect in Game...',
link: 'steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M%listingid%A%assetid%D3362116622103653869' } ],
[ { internal_name: 'CSGO_Type_Spray',
name: 'Graffiti',
category: 'Type',
category_name: 'Type' },
{ internal_name: 'normal',
name: 'Normal',
category: 'Quality',
category_name: 'Category' },
{ internal_name: 'Rarity_Common',
name: 'Base Grade',
category: 'Rarity',
color: 'b0c3d9',
category_name: 'Quality' },
{ internal_name: 'Tint5',
name: 'Desert Amber',
category: 'SprayColorCategory',
category_name: 'Graffiti Color' } ],
is_currency: false,
market_marketable_restriction: 0,
fraudwarnings: [] }
What if I only want to get one element in return. Like if i would say I only wanna get the name of the skins after "name:". Not a whole array list.