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  1. The confirmation's ID isnt the same as the trade id. Make it check confirmations if the status is pending and use the newConfirmation listener which emits a confirmation object. Then use CConfimation.id as offer id and accept it using that.
  2. https://gyazo.com/f03fa60a6cdab4307adcd55b968fe3cd That error is thrown after I call checkConfirmations()..
  3. I just tried and and used newConfirmation. Does the listener require checkConfirmations() to be fired to emit confirmations?
  4. I know theres a listener for new confirmations and all, I've tried making it myself but couldn't get it to work. Not at my main system right now so cant provide the code I had written. Help is appreciated
  5. Ty, figured it out before the post got approved but anyway got it working
  6. Title. Would be useful for a fun project of mine.
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