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Posts posted by ZuccMarkerberg

  1. Yeah, it only gets printed once because you never told it to do anything beyond that point.

    i already said "even if i put anything anywhere it executes once"

    'finished' is printed out only once, what i'm trying to do here is to automatically exit code when 1 day of idling is reached, i'd set timer to do that but it's executed only once which is not enough oqe2O8YUSxWY83Wek-YjYw.png

  2. You're done something wrong in your code.

    const logOnDetails = {

    'dontRememberMachine': false,
    'accountName': 'username',
    'password': 'password',
    'twoFactorCode': SteamTotp.getAuthCode('shared_secret')


    client.on('loggedOn', details => {
        client.getNicknames(() => {
            console.log(`Logged into Steam as '${client.accountInfo.name}' ${client.steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()}`);
            client.gamesPlayed(idleList, true, function(){console.log('test')});

    // Some error occurred during logon
    client.on('error', e => console.log(e));

    i think you still don't understand xD idle works perfectly, but once idling starts, other code stops executing,"idling" gets printed only once, even if i put anything anywhere it executes once, then idling starts and it's just blinking square

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