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  1. oh shit i just realised how dumb my question was... sry xD and thanks
  2. i already said "even if i put anything anywhere it executes once" 'finished' is printed out only once, what i'm trying to do here is to automatically exit code when 1 day of idling is reached, i'd set timer to do that but it's executed only once which is not enough
  3. const logOnDetails = { 'dontRememberMachine': false,'accountName': 'username','password': 'password','twoFactorCode': SteamTotp.getAuthCode('shared_secret')} client.on('loggedOn', details => { client.getNicknames(() => { console.log(`Logged into Steam as '${client.accountInfo.name}' ${client.steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()}`); client.setPersona(SteamUser.EPersonaState.Busy); client.gamesPlayed(idleList, true, function(){console.log('test')}); console.log(`Idling`) })}) // Some error occurred during logonclient.on('error', e => console.log(e));client.logOn(logOnDetails)i think you still don't understand xD idle works perfectly, but once idling starts, other code stops executing,"idling" gets printed only once, even if i put anything anywhere it executes once, then idling starts and it's just blinking square
  4. sry couldn't find better word for it, code executes fully but once hour boost starts, loop doesn't start over again so i can't set timer to automatically exit
  5. when i use GamesPlayed for idling games, once it starts idling other code stops executing, i want to automatically call exit when reaches x time but i wasn't able to do that, i tried editing library but no luck
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