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  1. Anyone found an answer to this?
  2. Hey I'm making my first bot so I'm trying to experiment with a bunch of simple features. But I cannot seem to get posting to steam profile comments working. I can post a comment on the same account using the browser, but if I do it with the bot I get the error 'The settings on that account do not allow you to add comments.' I think I have the same issue as this person: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/issues/217 So I'm wondering if I have tripped it, and what I can do to not trip it? I'm using my own personal account to test with and I'm trying to post comments in response to a message so my account will have been logged in for a while, it's not like I'm spamming either it's just 1 comment so I am out of ideas.
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