Hey, I'm currently rewriting my bots due to all those new goodies which been developed in the last year (shoutouts to McKay and everyone working on these). Currently debugging everything and saw that calling JSON.stringify on pollData returns undefined. Had a look at the original pollData and dug a little into the JSON.stringify manual. The manual's saying, that the method will return undefined if a part of the data is a function. Always thought that it would simply omit the function. (tested pre submitting: yep, everything I tried resulted in omitting the Function when calling stringify on the object). Either way, Im at a loss here. Here's a Screenshot of the pollData (this is pre stringifying and right at the beginning of the pollData): and here's my event handler:
prototype._onPollData = function onPollDataCallback(data) {
var that = this;
var write = JSON.stringify(data);
}catch (e){
console.log(e); //pls lemme find some
console.log(util.inspect(data, false, null));
fs.writeFile('./bots/pollData/' + that.botName + '.json', JSON.stringify(data), function(err) {
if (err){
I guess that I simply am screwing up somewhere and am just to tunneled to see it but wanted to make sure, if that [Function] really belongs there. Cheers