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  1. It deleted like 10 of my items. I have no idea where they are, because fromitemid and toitemid were exactly the same. I have no idea if i can get these items back, but people should be aware of it. I created a function to stack the items, but i had a small bug where i did not put if(fromItem != toItem) and yeah.. that happened.
  2. Bro, this thing ate my items. With each stack, my items dissapear from my inventory, they are not traded or something, they are just gone after the stacks. What is going on? I did itemFrom and itemTo assetids with the same assetid, and my item is just gone, i just tried now.
  3. Mr. Kay, do you have any idea how i can stack these items, getting them by my inventory. Example: CEconItem { id: '3387261523668970097', amount: 3, market_hash_name: 'Blue Bandana', }, CEconItem { id: '3387261523668970097', amount: 1, market_hash_name: 'Blue Bandana', }, CEconItem { id: '3387261523668970097', amount: 1, market_hash_name: 'Blue Bandana', }, CEconItem { id: '3387261523668970092', amount: 1, market_hash_name: 'Yellow Bandana', }, CEconItem { id: '3387261523668970092', amount: 3, market_hash_name: 'Yellow Bandana', } Because on this post method i can only post one assetid in From and To variables, but what if the items are more than 2, such as in this situation above. I'd like to get a result such as: CEconItem { id: '3387261523668970097', amount: 5, market_hash_name: 'Blue Bandana', }, CEconItem { id: '3387261523668970092', amount: 4, market_hash_name: 'Yellow Bandana', } Thanks in advice.
  4. Alright, thanks bro. I'll do my best to do it.
  5. Kay, can you show me in a code how this works please? I know you're super busy but i just don't understand how that works. Like i have to put item's assetids in there or what... Thank you.
  6. I have no idea how to do that, but i'll do my best. Thank you Kay!
  7. Can i see some example code or something, because i do not understand how this works. Like when to call that, on accetOffer() or ... no idea. Thanks in advice.
  8. Thanks Dr. McKay. I'll do my best to see how it works. Wish it was in the tradeoffer manager tho
  9. Thanks for the answer Mister. Im still trying to deal with this, i guess you're correct. That's actually not quite right, because i checked the bot's items and he had like 10 items in total, and when he sent me an offer, the items were stacked.
  10. Oh.. well their bot is not "in game". No idea how they do that tho but w.e. Stay safe dude and ty
  11. Yo Kay, are you sure there is no any way of stacking rust items by the tradeoffers? These guys resent my winnings 3 times, and with every offer the items were getting stacked over and over again. I googled 15 hours and couldnt find anything
  12. Yeah, im using 2 bots for trading, one for storage and one which is used for the withdraws/deposits in one file. They are sending offers each other. If i take amount 2 by item with amount 10 (10 stacks) there will be 2 items with amounts 2 and 8, but i cant really group them back. Thats the point. I guess they have tons of these items in stacks and they are just giving prizes by names and not assetids. No idea how they do it, but yeah. Lets say i deposited 10 items with different asset ids, if i win, they are giving me item with one asset id and amount 10. I guess im rly SOL Still thanks for your help dude. Best of luck and stay safe!
  13. I'm doing research but i can't really find anything for that.
  14. I don't really know how it works, thats why i asked. I wont say name but there is a site where i deposit skins one by one and if i win f.e jackpot, im getting most of them stacked. No idea how are they doing it. Thanks for your replay tho
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