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Posts posted by WhoIsUnknow

  1. Today authorization via steam-user stopped working for me. I do not know why.

    I changed my authorization to the community module.

    All my bots have different proxies. But, if I start authorizing several bots at once, then steam throws out a message about a large number of login attempts.

    What could be the reason for this? What can linked different instances?



    I am passing to tradeofferManager instance steam-user and steamcommunity. But I log in with steamcommunity.


  2. First off, thanks for your huge contributions to the node js community.

    I plan to start using your libraries to work with Steam. The first thing I noticed is that there is some point in history, after which there was a collapse in the downloads of your modules. With what it can be connected? Steam changed  Policy? Bulk accounts blocking? Coronavirus:D ? 

    I am very worried about this question :)



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