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Everything posted by 3top1a

  1. Hi, I'm making a simple bot to just idle and serve as a secondary inventory, but for some reason, steam-totp is making invalid verification codes. Not like in nulls, but completely different codes from what SDA is saying (and yes, the SDA codes work, and the shared secret is the same). Code: const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity') const SteamTotp = require('steam-totp'); const config = require('./config.json'); console.log("BOTSTART") // On login - give steam our info, i.g. password, username var client = new SteamUser(); var community = new SteamCommunity(); client.logOn({ "accountName": config.username, "password": config.password }); client.on('steamGuard', function(domain, callback, lastCodeWrong) { console.log(domain) if (lastCodeWrong) { console.log("LAST2FACODEWRONG - last 2fA code was wrong.") // TODO Wait and then retry process.exit() } console.log(SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.sharedSecret)) callback(SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.sharedSecret)); }); client.on('webSession', (sid, cookies) => { manager.setCookies(cookies); community.setCookies(cookies); community.startConfirmationChecker(20000, config.identitySecret); }); // After login - Basically main loop client.on('loggedOn', function(details) { console.log("LOGIN " + client.steamID.getSteam3RenderedID() + " - Logged in"); client.setPersona(SteamUser.EPersonaState.Online); // Tell steam we're online client.gamesPlayed(440); // Tell steam we're playing this game }); // Debug stuff client.on('error', function(e) { console.log("ERROR - " + e); }); client.on('newItems', function(count) { console.log("NEWINTEMS " + count + " - new items in our inventory"); }); client.on('wallet', function(hasWallet, currency, balance) { console.log("WALLET " + SteamUser.formatCurrency(balance, currency) + " - Our wallet balance is "); }); client.on('webSession', function(sessionID, cookies) { console.log("WEBSESSIONACQ - We got a web session lol"); }); In the console, I'm getting: BOTSTART null * a code completely diffrent from SDA* null LAST2FACODEWRONG - last 2fA code was wrong. This is weird because an older version (that this is based on) worked flawlessly, all libraries are updated, and I still can't get this to work.
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