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Posts posted by kreghx

  1. Hello,


    Are there alternatives to using Steam API to get information from tradeoffers? See https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/4sp55w/ingame_item_trading_update/

    What is the steam api used for in the nodejs bot? And is it possible to not use the steam api at all? 

    For example, I have a site that lets people open random cases. They fill in their trade URL, buy a case and they receive their item.


    Kind regards

  2. Hello,


    I'm having an issue with my bots recently. Once every +- 2 days, a bot shows up with an empty inventory. The only solution that I could find that worked, was to buy CS:GO for that account and run the game. The moment I run the game, my inventory appears again.

    Is there something I can do to prevent this, or why does this happen? It has only started recently, +- 1.5 week ago. Nothing has changed in the code of my bot, it's still the same.


    Kind regards

  3. Hello,


    Since the latest update, I receive "Unable to accept offer : Unknown state 2" when receiving a new offer. The trade does go through, it goes to accepted afterwards. But for some reason it always emits "Unknown state 2" aswell. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

    manager.on('newOffer', function(offer) {
      console.log("New offer #" + offer.id + " from " + offer.partner.getSteam3RenderedID());
      var steamid =  offer.partner.getSteamID64();
      offer.accept(function (err) {
        if (err) {
          console.log("Unable to accept offer: " + err.message);
          pusherTrigger.trigger('bot_status_ch', 'bot_status', {
            "message": "offline",
            "bot": BotID
        } else {
          console.log("Offer accepted");
  4. Hello,

    Is there a way to know the assetID of the items received before it changes? 

    Right now, I have 1 inventorybot and multiple tradebots. The inventorybot distributes the items to the different tradebots. 

    When I send an item from my inventorybot to the tradebot, my flow is as follows:


    Flow of inventorybot : send item -> when accepted delete record in DB

    Flow of tradebot : receive item -> accept -> insert into database


    This is how I keep track of which items are in which bots. But there is data that only the inventorybot knows about some items, for example where I got the item from (Did I get it from bitskins, opskins or another seller). But that data is lost since I have to delete the record in DB. I would like to update the record instead of deleting and inserting a new one. I have no way to know which item in database I should update after it has been traded to anoter bot.

    This could be done with a " UPDATE ... WHERE assetid = ..." . But assetID changes after trade, so that is not an option. 

    Am I missing something on how I should do this?


    Kind regards

  5. Hello,


    It is already implemented, but +- 1/50 sent offers are stuck on waiting for confirmation. Using Steamcommunity.
    I think this is the same problem as https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/173-confirmation-didnt-go-through/ . You've said that the libraries take care of the DeviceID, am I doing it correctly or am I missing something here ?

    function login() {
      steam.login(logOnOptions, function (err, sessionID, cookies, steamguard, oAuthToken) {
        if (err) {
          console.log("Steam login fail: " + err.message);
        fs.writeFile('steamguard.txt', steamguard);
        console.log("Logged into Steam");
        var mycookies = manager.setCookies(cookies, function(err) {
          if(err) {
            throw err;
          console.log("Got API key: " + manager.apiKey);
          steam.startConfirmationChecker(2000, identity_secret);
          console.log("Confirmation Checker has started");

    Kind regards

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