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Posts posted by MrKirby

  1. Synchronous I/O functions are contrary to Node's paradigm and so aren't supported. Or is that not what you're asking?

    Thanks for the quick response, but it is not what I am looking for, I think.

    Whenever it is busy 'getting' a user's inventory, it should freeze a code block (like a normal callback function could do).

    But I have no clue on how to run a callback on the "getUserInventoryContents" functoin. 



    var j = 10;
    for(var i=0;i<j;i++) {
    console.log("testing... " + i)
    manager.getUserInventoryContents(config.accounts.steamid64[i],753, 6, true, (err, inventory) => {
    	if (err) {
    	} else if (err == null ) {
            console.log("Inventory length bot " +inventory.length+" | steamID "+ config.accounts.steamid64[i]);
            //etc. etc.

    This will output: 

    testing... 0
    testing... 1
    testing... 2
    testing... 9
    Inventory length bot 100 | steamID 12345678901234567890 //random ID 
    Inventory length bot 100 | steamID 12345678901234567890 //random ID 
    Inventory length bot 100 | steamID 12345678901234567890 //random ID 
    Inventory length bot 100 | steamID 12345678901234567890 //random ID 
    Inventory length bot 100 | steamID 12345678901234567890 //random ID

    Now, how can I make it output this:

    testing... 0
    Inventory length bot 100 | steamID 12345678901234567890 //random ID 
    testing... 1
    Inventory length bot 100 | steamID 12345678901234567890 //random ID 
    testing... 2
    Inventory length bot 100 | steamID 12345678901234567890 //random ID 

    Thanks in advance :)

  2. I am having issues with calling this function. I think it has something to do with the function waiting a little while. I have searched for callback etc. on the internet and I found a lot but I have no clue how to use them on the code...



    How do I use sync callback on the function: "getUserInventoryContents"


    This is what I have now:

    manager.getUserInventoryContents(config.accounts.steamid64[i],753, 6, true, (err, inventory) => {
        if (err) {
        } else if (err == null) {
        //The rest of the code				

    I thought that this would work... I am not the best in node, basically just started... but hope you could help me :)

  3. After some time having trouble with it (as I am new), I got it to work! Thanks so much dude! for everyone else wondering.. I used this:

    client.on('friendMessage', function(steamID, message) {		
        friendID = [steamID];
        client.getPersonas(friendID, function(getName) {
            var x = getName[friendID];
            var friendName = x.player_name;
            console.log("[FriendlyMessage] " + friendName + ": " + message);

    Brackets could be wrong because my code didn't stop there and I am correcting it within the text editor


    I do have another question and I don't know if I should ask it here?

    But, what are the numbers for friendrelationships??

    I know 2 is friend request send to me. But where can I find it.. because I am having trouble finding everything...  :mellow:  :mellow:


    EDIT: After actually turning my brain on.. I checked within the files of your node and found a file with the numbers.... Shit I'm stupid... Thanks anyway!! GREAT SHIT DUDE!!!

  4. Hey, I started using Node.js and javascript a short time ago.


    I was trying to display my own username in console after logon. And if that worked, I'd try for others.

    I was hoping if you could help me.


    This is my code: 

    client.on('loggedOn', function() {
        console.log("[Steam-BOT] Logged in as " + client.steamID);
        var botSteamID = [client.steamID];
        var clientName = client.getPersonas(botSteamID);

    So I thought this was the way to go but, clientName stays unidentified. 


    I do not know what I am doing wrong


    Thanks in advance!

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