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Dr. McKay

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  1. That's expected behavior. Machine auth tokens are only issued when you log on with email 2FA, but steam-user attempts to read it every time you log on. If a request comes in to read a file that doesn't exist, you should return an error, not an empty string.
  2. If you're using a custom storage engine, don't change the value of the dataDirectory option. If you set it to null, the storage property isn't initialized so you get that error attempting to read 'on' of undefined. steam-tradeoffer-manager uses the same storage scheme as steam-user, but they don't share the same instance. You need to register your save and read events on your TradeOfferManager instance the same way you registered them on your SteamUser instance.
  3. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user?tab=readme-ov-file#getproductinfoapps-packages-incltokens-callback
  4. If you're dealing with trades that include CS items, you need to enable the useAccessToken option.
  5. Does the offer contain CS items? If so, you'll need to use an access token. You can get one with steam-session.
  6. TypeScript definitions for steam-tradeoffer-manager aren't maintained by me, so I can't really help you specifically. That said, you can probably suppress the error using (EResult.Revoked as number)
  7. I think you're missing some parens after this.getTimeOffset
  8. I dunno what to tell you; I've never messed with any user stats messages. Everything looks fine, assuming that what you're passing is what the backend actually expects. Are you in-game for the app? That might be necessary.
  9. Your app has crashed because you aren't listening for the error event. Every Node.js EventEmitter crashes the app if an unhandled error event is emitted. The error in question is raised when steam-user fails to retrieve the Steam server list from the WebAPI after 10 retries.
  10. Unless you've edited messages.js to define which protobuf should be used for that message, you'll need to handle encoding the request body yourself.
  11. Are you sure? This shouldn't be possible. Steam caches classid+instanceid pairs indefinitely. The description data should never change. Not really, my best guess is that D just stands for "data". It very likely is a hash to prevent scraping. It's been my experience that any [SM], A, D triplet will work forever to fetch item data.
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