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Everything posted by Duodecim

  1. Hi everyone, I’m trying to figure out if there's a way to access and filter Steam publishers based on specific criteria. Specifically, I’m looking to apply filters like region, game type, and other related attributes. Does anyone know of a method or tool that allows for this level of filtering or querying? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks !
  2. Thanks for the reply Dr, i logged the error response and i get LogonSessionReplaced I look in the node-steam-user#methods- , and i saw the definition of logonID option with the loginID the session persist, this loginId must be a random number ? Thanks !
  3. I use passport and SteamStrategy to login my steam account to my bot, and i found this peculiar bug, When i enter from anyware to https://steamcommunity.com/chat/ The method that handles the bot errors of SteamUser gets emited and the session of my bot ends, so i need to login again. //Listen Error Bots Bidirectional client.on('error', function(err) { console.log('Bot-Error'); socket.emit('bot-errors', err); // Updates Live Notification }, err => { console.log('error'); console.log(err); }); Thanks !
  4. i'm testing csgo items appid:730, i'm looking to if there is a way to search by quantity , or know the abailable tags, to add in this request with the query
  5. i mean, the connected steam server, when is overload, may one create an interface to switch with the current server regions, and somehow if is posible know the usability
  6. Hello Comm, I'm here to ask if there is something similar to "switch stable endpoint method" , on https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager I was experienced steam overload more frequently in this steam sales, i saw in a few forums that there is a new limit in all request of steam, to solve this there are a few tools that are able to switch an stable version of the steam https://github.com/cantryDev/FixCSGOInventory/blob/master/de/cantry/fixcsgoinventory/manifest.json (not tested) is something similar on node-steam-tradeoffer-manager ? Clear out, when is called getUserInventoryContents 5 times or more, i get the message "You've made too many requests recently. Please wait and try your request again later". Note : my isp is from argentina
  7. Ask to Zelenka he maybe, he will know joke xD, I don't have the error that came from the response of the getUserInventoryContents, but so far, I'm calling it inside an iteration, with delay to avoid steam overloaded If there is any recommendation doing this way, I will continue and add some security libraries to the node server. Thanks anyway
  8. I capture yesterday session, checking the logs I only recover this the two unexpected request and here, checking the screenshot again, I saw that null and here is the error, looks like I send a null from the array, fetching the second page of Trade links With regard of the robot.txt for the server, will improve some validation on my server ?
  9. Hello, I'm using TradeOfferManager and SteamUser libraries, following the docs on https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#patterns- https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki so far I was able to continue my project and learning more about programming in the process, in a few features of the project I use getUserInventoryContents and works fine, There is one feature that require more than one call of this method getUserInventoryContents, this feature works, but in cases crashes when the user runs this a few times. I don't know if this may be related but i get the GET /ab2h, ab2g after the crash, my question my node server requires robots.txt to avoid this ? or add more delay on each getUserInventoryContents call ? Thanks !
  10. Thanks, now i'm calling manager.createOffer each time the function is called, and the offer is refreshed 👍
  11. Hello, i'm making some offers with TradeOfferManager, when i trigger this method again i got the "Cannot add items to an already-sent offer" my question is there is a cleanOffer() method, to call after the offer.send is triggered ?
  12. Thanks for the response, i will clarify my question,i'm looking to run this the method getUserInventoryContents mutltiple times, which will be the best way to perform this action ? There is a way to pass an array of stamid ?
  13. Hello, I'm full stack dev, working on a project to improve my full stack skills with node angular and MySQL as database an i was a trader with 2500+ trades confirmed, so i pick this data source that is very interested to manage. for now i'm handling getUserInventoryContents passing an Trade Url, my question is there is a way to verify the currents items of a user inventory, by passing some list of assets id looking for this solution because there is a case, that i need to call getUserInventoryContents for more than one user and verify if this value is updated
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