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  1. Is there any way to reload script by command after we logged in steam so we can use updated functions
  2. I want to login once with steam id and password and enter 2fa code but after I end script , it asks me to login again. Is there any way to make it save so it don't ask again for login. Also how do I add the command in script because console do not allow to run function in side script.
  3. can you give an example of 100 steamids passing in api like i have 256 friends
  4. why vac_friends list is empty when I print at last ? function checkVacID(){ friend_list = friends; vac_friends = [] friend_list.forEach(function(key, index){ axios.get(`https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerBans/v1/?key=&steamids=${key}`) .then(function (response) { vac_response = response.data; if(vac_response.players[0]['VACBanned'] == true){ vac_friends.push(vac_response.players[0]) console.log(vac_friends) } }) .catch(function (error) { console.log(error); }) }); console.log(vac_friends) }
  5. Ok but as i know the web api limits rate to 100ids per request so any bypass?
  6. No steam IDs list are fine I tested by printing. If I test with single steam id it works but not in loop.
  7. thanks for update, your code have small typo. fixed:- client.on('friendsList', function() { let friends = Object.keys(client.myFriends).filter(relationship => SteamUser.EFriendRelationship.Friend); console.log('All Friends: ' + friends.length); });
  8. Its flooding with error in console there was an problem to get the steam user! there was an problem to get the steam user! there was an problem to get the steam user! there was an problem to get the steam user! there was an problem to get the steam user! there was an problem to get the steam user! Edit: when i print err it shows this Error: The specified profile could not be found.
  9. whats wrong , i am running it through list of steamids. Here is my code:- function checkVacID(){ friend_list = friends; friend_list.forEach(function(key, index){ community.getSteamUser(key, (err, user) => { if(err) { console.log("there was an problem to get the steam user!"+err) return; } else { if(user.vacBanned == true) { console.log(`${user.name} VAC Banned Profile`); } } }); }); }
  10. What will be the best way to get friend list with steam id? client.on('friendsList', async function () { var friends=[]; async function getAllFriends(){ var temp = []; for (var key in client.myFriends) temp.push(key); return temp; } friends = await getAllFriends(); console.log("[Steam Bot] All Friends: "+friends.length); }); OR Using WebAPI https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetFriendList/v1/?key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&steamid=76561198872686120
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