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  1. Wow, thanks so much for the quick turn around! I'm gonna start using it right away. Thanks again so much for your amazing support.
  2. As a point of comparison in the current Steam UI, if you have a direct chat with another user, you can add new steam users to your chat with the +person button in the upper right. When you add another user to your chat, this seems to transform the direct chat into an adhoc group chat just for those participants. I've looked at the metadata returned by a node-steam-user's getGroups() call for these groups and it looks like the initiator owns that new group and the chat_group_id doesn't seem to be correlated with anything obvious to me at least.
  3. Hi, I've been reading over the documentation for the SteamChatRoomClient, but I can't seem to find the functionality I'm looking for. The document starts out with good definitions for different types of chat in Steam, and I'm pretty sure I'm looking for the ChatRoomGroup variant. Just for extra clarity, I'm wanting to programmatically create ad-hoc chat groups that are meant to be disposable after they have served their purpose. This is opposed to the more static community based groups that have chat room functionality. My internal definition seems to correspond with the "ChatRoomGroup" definition. I saw the CreateChatRoom method in SteamChatRoomClient, but this appears to assume you already have a ChatRoomGroup created as it requires a GroupId. I tried throwing in a null with the hope that it might cascade create a ChatRoomGroup to house the ChatRoom, but I didn't have any luck with that. Am I correct in my understanding that the current CreateChatRoom is focused on adding channels/rooms to an already existing Group (such as the community Steam Groups?) I also noticed the older functionality in chat.js (createChatRoom) that seemed to support the intended functionality, but as noted in the code, this is deprecated functionality and points you towards using the new SteamChatRoomClient. I actually tried to use this as well, and I was able to get it to work after some fiddling. The only negative to this is it created the very old Steam style chat room so I would still prefer to figure out the newer style Steam ChatRoomGroup. Any help with figuring out this puzzle would be appreciated. Thanks!
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