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Everything posted by lupucl

  1. Up. I'm looking for something like this: var steamguard = user.on('steamGuard', function(callback) { }); if(steamguard){ console.log("Steamguard needed!"); }else{ console.log("log in without steamguard") }
  2. Is there any way to check if an account need steam guard code before connecting into account? Thanks.
  3. God bless you!
  4. Thank you so much!!! I've managed to solve most of the things, but, about the logOff thing. Could you give me an actual example? Thanks again, and have a good one!!
  5. Sorry, I was in a rush. Basically, what I did is, checking the user and password from HTML input. What I want now, is to do the same with Steam Guard. Is there any way to do that? And, one more thing? The "Steam Guard App" message from console, can be changeable? Because I couldn't find anything on github. Edit// I've come with a better idea. How can I read the steamguard from a file? Edit2// Is there any way to logOff a specific user? Like, logOff and steam username? Thanks.
  6. Hi, is there any way to add in client.logOn something like steamGuard? I would like to take the steamguard from an input. const SteamUser = require("steam-user"); app.post('/account', function(req, res) { const SteamUsername = req.body.SteamUsername; const SteamPassword = req.body.SteamPassword; const title = "test"; const games = 720; // Authorization const client = new SteamUser(); client.logOn({ accountName: SteamUsername, password: SteamPassword }); client.on("loggedOn", async () => { await Array.prototype.push.apply( title, games ); await client.setPersona( SteamUser.EPersonaState.Online ); await client.gamesPlayed( title ); console.log(`Logged succesfully as ${SteamUsername}.`); }); });
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