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Posts posted by david818

  1. yeah I used some other api which they had all this things that's why I transfered to this one I just realize some of the things are not existing yeah. I think all I can do just get current XP and compare with old one. So basically it will show the old level and new one. ALso trying to get gained XP that's the most important one. Like from each match how much you gain.

  2. 2 hours ago, Arty said:

    I'm not really sure what you're trying to achieve here, maybe I'm just not getting your point, but here is what I think you're doing wrong.

    If you want to track your XP in CS:GO, you will have to drastically change your approach. The .requestPlayersProfile method does not track a profile, it only requests it's current state, once.

    Also as I can see, you're tracking your account by actually logging into it, which I would advise against, since Valve does not actually support this kind of behavior.

    If I understood your issue correctly, then here's what I would do;

    1. Create a separate bot, add your accounts to it's friends

    2. Setup a script that would track status of your friends

    3. (This I'm not sure actually works this way) It could be possible that friend accounts do update, if not, then just request it's data some while after a match is finished (like 1 second or something like that)


    I hope this was helpful.

    It's so obvious what I'm trying achieve here.
    Well no. You don't have to be friends to track their XP's.
    There is a bots like this people actually selling it so all you do you just add the steam profile and it will track it.

    It is actually working I just did something wrong can't find what is wrong like I get every 10 minutes it being sent through discord webhook.
    Match details: XP Gained This Match: NaN Current XP: undefined Total Gained XP: NaN Current Level: NaN Games Played: 1 

    I just get those but it is wrong.

  3. Hello. I got some problems with the discord bot maybe you guys can help me to get data from game. So basically I'll show you here how I did but for some reason when match is over in game-mode it's not sending XP trough the bot. I don't get any message at all and I'm so confused what's going on. Anyone  have experience with this?

    nvm the way I was doing it was wrong...


  4. On 9/12/2022 at 1:02 AM, What Comes Around said:

    What have you seen? Items on float.db in inventories that are private? Usually what happens is private inventories are set to public to idk sell an item or whatever and those sites (like float.db) take record of the inventory at the time. As long as the items aren't moved to a public inventory they will remain on record in that private one. Medals are the easiest to track, because they can't be transferred. Especially if you are looking at old medals (like 2015), there is a high likelyhood that the steam user unprivated their inventory some time between 2015 and now, as an example. Also, just remembered but medals are always public, here's why, you can see medals that someone has that is in your game, even if their inventory is private. What this means is you can use CSGO game coordinator to view someone's medals, even if their inventory is private. Medals may be possible, but otherwise inventories that are set to private are not, wouldn't make much sense to have a private setting if it doesn't actually private your inventory, and I don't think valve has that settings for shits and giggles.

    I don't think skins and floats are possible to see on private profiles but what I can see is medals pins and coins. You can see all medals as possible including pro players trophy's. so yeah


  5. On 9/8/2022 at 1:56 AM, What Comes Around said:

    Is the inventory yours? If the client is not logged into the private profile account you cannot view that inventory. The only private inventory you can view is that of your own. 

    No not mine. It's possible because i've seen that before. you can see anyone's inventory csgo medals pins.

  6. Hello there. So friend of mine referred here to use this lib to get csgo item details from private inventory.

    So basically I wanna make a discord bot that you can see someone's medals and items he got, and the person uses this lib to see private profile coins and medals from csgo.

    So I would like to know where and which function should I look for? 

    and thanks 

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