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Everything posted by awuming

  1. steam-session no longer recognizes Sentry sha1 With v4.27.1, you can log in and get the cookie. If you use steam-session in later versions, you will be prompted to enter the email code
  2. [v4.27.1] can use the file, the later version can not be used
  3. How to send pictures + text to friends, please provide an example, thank you
  4. const { EAuthTokenPlatformType, LoginSession } = require('steam-session'); main(); async function main() { let session = new LoginSession(EAuthTokenPlatformType.SteamClient) let startResult = await session.startWithCredentials({ accountName: 'xxxxx', password: 'xxxx' }); console.log(startResult); session.on('steamGuardMachineToken', () => { console.log('\nReceived new Steam Guard machine token'); console.log(`Machine Token: ${session.steamGuardMachineToken}`); }); session.on('authenticated', async () => { console.log('\nAuthenticated successfully! Printing your tokens now...'); console.log(`SteamID: ${session.steamID}`); console.log(`Account name: ${session.accountName}`); console.log(`Access token: ${session.accessToken}`); console.log(`Refresh token: ${session.refreshToken}`); // We can also get web cookies now that we've negotiated a session let webCookies = await session.getWebCookies(); console.log('Web session cookies:'); console.log(webCookies); let decodedJwt = decodeJwt(session.accessToken); console.log(`\nWe logged in using IP ${decodedJwt.ip_subject}`); }); session.on('timeout', () => { console.log('This login attempt has timed out.'); }); session.on('error', (err) => { // This should ordinarily not happen. This only happens in case there's some kind of unexpected error while // polling, e.g. the network connection goes down or Steam chokes on something. console.log(`ERROR: This login attempt has failed! ${err.message}`); }); } c:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\steam-session\dist\helpers.js:17 let err = new Error(errorMessage || resultMsg); ^ Error: RateLimitExceeded at eresultError (c:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\steam-session\dist\helpers.js:17:15) at AuthenticationClient.sendRequest (c:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\steam-session\dist\AuthenticationClient.js:212:46) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async AuthenticationClient.startSessionWithCredentials (c:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\steam-session\dist\AuthenticationClient.js:63:22) at async LoginSession.startWithCredentials (c:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\steam-session\dist\LoginSession.js:161:38) at async main (c:\Program Files\nodejs\LoginSession.js:14:27) { eresult: 84 }
  5. Does the steam user support the large screen opening token in similar clients?
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