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Posts posted by BattleMaster

  1. I'm asking because with a game like this for example, I would assume that the "DUSK SDK" depot only gets downloaded when you opt into the "dusk_sdk" branch, but it looks like it's also there with the public branch.

    Actually in this case it might actually be downloading the data even if you don't opt into the beta, because this seems to match the download size that Steam shows me (Dusk Content + Dusk SDK + Soundtrack):

  2. I still get a "not a function" error.
    minimal reproducible code:

    import SteamUser from 'steam-user';
    await SteamUser.logOn({anonymous: true, machineName: 'Test', clientOS: 16});


    nvm, i forgot this line

    var client = new SteamUser();


    It works now, but getProductInfo seems to be stuck without doing anything

    console.log('logging on to Steam..');
    await client.logOn({anonymous: true});
    console.log('logged on');
    console.log('getting product info..');
    const product_info = await client.getProductInfo([10], []);
    console.log(`product_info: ${JSON.stringify(product_info)}`);


  3. On 4/23/2023 at 12:01 AM, flamecsz said:

    I've seen a lot of people do this, they put a few accounts on the server and have them on the server and automatically drop the csgo cases.

    there's probably a dedicated tool for those bots, but isnt using bots to farm ingame items against steam TOS?

  4. Hello, I am completely new to using this library. I want to be able to find the download size of a game from my application. SteamDB does have this functionality (you can see the depots belonging to a game, and for each depot you can see the size), so there must be a way to do it; however, I wasn't able to achieve this with just the Steam Web API (do tell me if there is a way to do it with just the web api), and was thus wondering if I could do it using node-steam-user. I would greatly appreciate your help.

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